Sunday, August 30, 2015

Clinical Proof that Most Politicians and CEO’s Are Certifiably Insane

After writing one of my most recent articles with regard to what typically happens when a currency collapse occurs, due to a currency devaluation taking down a country's economy—as the Chinese are gobbling up all of our important economic assets—many people wrote to me asking me when the total collapse is going to happen. The short answer is that I have a hard time predicting the actions of psychopaths. All of us have a hard time predicting the action of others who are so different from the mainstream of America because most of us do not think like psychopaths. However, I can state with certainty that when the last mortgage has been stolen and the last pension has been confiscated, then it will be time to collapse the dollar and plunge this country into a hellish nightmare.
Our country should be dubbed the United States of Psychopathology. Psychopaths are at the root of the world's problems. They kill hundreds of millions in wars which serve no purpose except to enrich the psychopaths. Subsequently, psychopaths, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, recruit already compromised psychopaths to do their bidding in both elected office and as the CEOs of Fortune 500 corporations, as well as in key administrative positions.