Thursday, September 24, 2015

America was intended to be a model for the world, not a refugee camp.

The reformation of the rest of the world to accept the values of America is the answer to the plaintive words of the Statute of Liberty.  We do not want and have never really wanted that the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free feel forced to come to America as their only hope.  We want instead the nations of the world to move closer to our values and principles.
We want the lands of Latin America from which millions flee to become lands with honest government, free enterprise, and civic safety – lands from which people do not want to flee.  We want the Middle East to be like Israel today or like Lebanon and Iran used to be decades ago, nations in which Jews and Christians live securely beside Muslims, where imperfect democracy and liberty are real enough that there is no flood of people seeking anywhere but their native land.