Monday, September 14, 2015

Stop Saying Same-Sex Marriage is the 'Law of the Land' - It's not the law of the land; it's an overreach and abuse of power.

Ever notice that radical leftists never say, "It's the law of the land" when speaking of a national law they fundamentally disagree with?
Barack Obama and the Defense of Marriage Act is a glaring example.  DOMA was the law of the land, but Mr. Obama's Justice Department refused to enforce the law, and the Department was the only agency responsible for its enforcement.
Curiously, the establishment press didn't draw attention to Obama's blatant dereliction of duty over DOMA.  The press did not assert that the Justice Department was in "rebellion" and the executive branch had a "duty" to execute "the law of the land" and "get over it."
When President Obama was asked about his non-enforcement of DOMA, his response was that he believed that it was "unconstitutional."