Saturday, October 17, 2015

Changing the Game To Defeat Progressivism - (And comes with a game plan as well - just excellent!)

(I have been on this quest for almost 10 years now, and every once in a while a piece of writing comes along which confirms everything about what this fight is all about - and this by Mr. Amatetti does it in spades. It's time to 'git-er-done', eh! - CL)

Last but certainly not least is Approach #3 – ending, or neutralizing, public funding of progressive institutions – which aims at the most insidious advantage progressives have in shaping public opinion. Every year government collects taxes, and when that is not enough it prints money, to fund thousands of progressive causes and political groups fighting the war for public opinion, and to subsidize a smorgasbord of wasteful, ineffective progressive agendas such as wind turbines, global warming “research,” and failing government-run schools. Every year conservatives pay their taxes with barely a whimper to fund the causes and ideas they fight against. Every single initiative forced upon our country by progressives requires conservatives’ money -- in essence, our consent. It is ironic that the colonists’ refusal to pay a simple stamp tax ignited mankind’s greatest revolution.
Power and privilege never relinquish without a fight. Ultimately, we may need to hold back our tax money. We can begin slowly, perhaps picking a day when everyone stays home from work in protest -- then a 5-day period. We can collectively minimize withholding from our paychecks. A huge trust fund could be established where protesters can send their money for release only after the government begins to act more in accordance with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. The movement could be called “Going Section 8.” The movement’s intentions could be announced ahead of time to demonstrate that we are not cheating or hiding -- we are fighting.  
What is suggested here is trifling compared with what others made for the cause of freedom. Remember Hume’s maxim “Force is always on the side of the governed.” In other words, we have all the power, if we would just exercise it.