Thursday, November 19, 2015

Europe's Seven Deadly Sins

Obviously at the top of the list are Europe’s liberal immigration policies. They are not as undoable as many would believe, since Europe’s generous cradle-to-grave social systems are hamstrung by fundamental demographic issues which require the importation of foreign workers to sustain. But compounding this longstanding policy are gratuitous asylum laws which serve little purpose other than to make Europeans, and particularly elites, feel good about themselves, and absolve the continent of its past sins. These can be reversed.
Europe’s embrace of secular humanist multiculturalism as a belief system in place of religion and nationalism will not go away anytime soon, if ever.  If it persists as the dominant Weltanschauung Europe is likely doomed. Change, if it comes, will emerge from popular opinion among the non-Islamic European masses, and the movements and parties that represent them, like the National Front in France, orPegida in Germany. This is something that the elites will battle vigorously, possibly with both police and military forces. Civil unrest and the repressive measures that they may provoke may weaken Europe further, undermine democratic principles, and possibly make things even easier for Islamic radicals. But if European elites will tolerate popular change without imposing authoritarian crackdowns, Europe has a chance in this regard. 
Avoiding authoritarian crackdowns does not mean that European nations can continue to allow Islamic minorities to establish mini-states within European cities, where authorities fear to go, sharia law is applied, and terrorists can plot and sustain themselves. One of the oddities of the Paris attacks (both in January and November) is how afterward Paris looks like an armed camp, with bored and heavily armed police and soldiers patrolling streets, exactly where the terrorists are not going to strike. It is no accident that following the attacks on a media outlet and a Jewish store January (both of which got heightened attention from security forces) terrorists struck targets they knew to be unprotected with gunfire and grenades (restaurants and a concert hall) while striking the one protected site (the stadium) just with suicide bombers. Troops and police ought to be in Paris’ no-go zones, rather than at the Eifel Tower, which makes for good video but does little good otherwise. Conducting police raids is not enough. National authority must be reestablished in Muslim dominated areas.