Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Great Men On The Melting Pot Myth - Don't say we weren't warned!

The Great Men On The Melting Pot Myth
November 10, 2015 by CH
Tucked into an epic post about the myth of immigrant assimilation into America over history, written by the blogger and hatefact analyst M.G., is a shivvily shimmering quote by late 19th-early 20th Century economist (and progressive) J. R. Commons:
We find that our democratic theories and forms of government were fashioned by but one of the many races and peoples which have come within their practical operation, and that that race, the so-calledAnglo-Saxon, developed them out of its own insular experience unhampered by inroads of alien stock. When once thus established in England and further developed in America we find that other races and peoples, accustomed to despotism and even savagery, and wholly unused to self-government, have been thrust into the delicate fabric. Like a practical people as we pride ourselves, we have begun actually to despotize our institutions in order to control these dissident elements, though still optimistically holding that we retain the original democracy.
M.G. adds, “Commons wrote these words in 1907; he may just as well have penned them last week.”
Commons understood the threat of open borders and the danger of demographic replacement of the native stock of people who created the civilization that attracts the world’s benighted. He, like, ahem, we here at CH, understand all too well the abiding truth of the formulation
and that this WAR can manifest in many ways, including as a slow but inexorable corruption of the civilized institutions which must accommodate, with increasing tension proportional to the numerical pressures, the different and often antagonistic values of the genetically and culturally distinct migrants.
And just how much danger is there of the dispossession of America’s NW European White Man creators, builders and maintainers?
The term “self-cucked” comes to mind.
Bonus: Commons nailed the motivations of the ruling elite and reasons they embrace open borders and try to sell their self-interest with equalist rhetoric.
It is an easy and patriotic matter for the lawyer, minister, professor, employer, or investor, placed above the arena of competition, to proclaim the equal right of all races to American opportunities; to avow his own willingness to give way should even a better Chinaman, Hindu, or Turk come in to take his place; and to rebuke the racial hatred of those who resist this displacement. His patriotism and world-wide brotherhood cost him and his family nothing, and indeed they add to his profits and leisure.
Where are the men of Commons’ perspicacity today? If ever the nation needed their clear thinking and their courage, now is the time. Perhaps Trump will pick up the banner of Realtalk™ and march with it over the battlefield, crushing ethnomasochistic, autogenocidal shitlibs underfoot. We’ll see.