Thursday, February 18, 2016

Climate warming computer models off by a tree-mendous factor - By Russ Vaughn

Yesterday Thomas Lifson wrote of a university study that demonstrates that the world's deserts are greening due to higher atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide – that same atmospheric carbon dioxide that has hysterical global warmists wringing their sweaty hands and crying that the sky is falling.  Reading that blog post brought to mind another study referenced by Lifson some months ago – a Yale study that upwardly revised the total estimated tree count in the world from 400 billion to 3.04 trillion, a game-changing increase.
Most likely some of that higher tree count overlaps with the expanded greening of the deserts, certainly in the outer fringe areas.  But the bottom line is that there are a lot more carbon dioxide-breathing, oxygen-exhaling life forms on this planet than all these so-called climate change computer models had programmed into it when they were developed to predict the future climatic conditions of this planet.
If these computer models used "settled science's" accepted figure of that time of 400 billion trees in this world breathing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, then their input was so incredibly far off base as to render their projections of worldwide heating and subsequent human disaster worthless.  An extra 2.6 trillion trees can suck up a whole lot of all those tons of anthropogenic atmospheric carbon dioxide that was programmed into those models.  It just could be that the famed hockey stick has just taken on the predictive dimensions of a hockey puck in all those elaborate equations.
So could someone please give Cheryl Crow a heads-up that there are a whole lot more trees than the poor girl believed when she publicly pledged to use a single panel of toilet tissue for her most intimate cleaning purposes?  Bet those musical dudes who ride on her biodiesel bus, or Uber, or whatever she's using for transport nowadays would sure appreciate it.
Countdown till some pointy-headed liberal professor produces a study that predicts with  absolute certainty that mankind is endangered by trees taking over the world: ten…nine…eight…
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