Monday, September 19, 2016

A portrait in Churchianity - by Vox Day

I tweeted this to the #jewsforrefugees hashtag and promptly received this response from a "pastor".

Pastor Richard
And you call yourself a Christian?

Supreme Dark Lord
Yes. Who said this?  "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."

Pastor Richard
Jesus said it. But what did he mean?

Supreme Dark Lord
He meant that the nations exist, and the interests of the children of the nation come before the interests of other nations.

Pastor Richard
@voxday Wrong. He meant the gospel came to the Jews first. But he still healed the gentile woman's daughter. God loves all people equally.

This is all too typical. Pastor Richard is clearly a Churchian and one of the wolves in sheep's clothing of whom the Apostle Paul warned. The Churchians preach a god who does not hate the wicked and they preach the Gospel of Babel, in which there are no nations and everyone is the same and all are loved equally by their god.

And their god is not our God. Their god is the prince of this world.

Notice how this dishonest "pastor" is playing the usual deceptive bait-and-switch. He switches the context with regards to the meaning of the phrase spoken by Jesus, and claims that the meaning of the phrase is somehow defined to the contrary of its clear meaning by substituting for it the meaning of a different part of the story that is not even referenced in that phrase!