Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How the system is rigged - by Pat Buchanan with comments from Vox Day (Most important - we now have a choice of media.)

How the system is rigged

Pat Buchanan explains how the media is the driving force for globalism:

In what sense is the system rigged?

Consider Big Media – the elite columnists and commentators, the dominant national press, and the national and cable networks, save Fox. Not in this writer’s lifetime has there been such blanket hatred and hostility of a presidential candidate of a major party.

“So what?” They reply. “We have a free press!”

But in this election, Big Media have burst out of the closet as an adjunct of the regime and the attack arm of the Clinton campaign, aiming to bring Trump down.

Half a century ago, Theodore White wrote of the power and bias of the “adversary press” that sought to bring down Richard Nixon.

“The power of the press in America,” wrote Teddy, “is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public discussion; and this sweeping power is unrestrained by any law. It determines what people will talk about and think about – an authority that in other nations is reserved for tyrants, priests, parties and mandarins.”

On ABC’s “This Week,” Newt Gingrich volunteered on Sunday that, “without the unending one-sided assault of the news media, Trump would be beating Hillary by 15 points.”

On this one, Newt is right.

With all due respect, as adversaries, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are not terribly formidable. Big Media is the power that sustains the forces of globalism against those of Americanism.

I just finished editing Mike Cernovich's MAGA Mindset, which Castalia House will be publishing soon. It is even better than Gorilla Mindset and it could not be more timely, because he not only reaches the same conclusion as Buchanan, but spells out how Trump used social media to fight the power of the Big Media. More importantly, he also explains the way Trump was able to develop his unique ability to use it so effectively.

You all know that Identity > Culture > Politics. But that is a strategic description. The tactical one, in this context, is Mindset > Media > Culture.

That is why the current cultural battle for the West is focused on social media. That is why Twitter and Facebook and Goodreads and Wikipedia are relentlessly policing their users. And that is why there is literally nothing more important, tactically, politically and culturally, that you can do than support AltTech organizations such as Gab and Brave and Infogalactic.

Strategically, of course, there are three very different priorities: Live a Christian life. Marry. Have white children.

Big money and the media power of the establishment elites and the transnationals may well prevail.

And if they do, Middle America – those who cling to their Bibles, bigotries and guns in Barack Obama’s depiction, those “deplorables” who are “racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic,” who are “not America” and are “irredeemable” in Hillary Clinton’s depiction – will have to accept the new regime.

But that does not mean they must love it, like it or respect it.

And losing the political battle, even permanently, does not mean losing the West. It merely means that the Age of Democracy is at an end. The West existed before democracy and it will survive the demise of democracy.