Wednesday, October 12, 2016

List of Republicans opposing Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016

This is a list of notable Republicans who have announced their opposition to the election of Donald Trump, the 2016 Republican Party nominee, as the President of the United States. It also includes former Republicans who oppose Trump's campaign and who left the Republican Party during the 2016 presidential election, as well as Republicans who endorsed a different candidate. It does not include Republicans who opposed Trump during the primaries but have not announced opposition to Trump as the nominee.
Public officials
Former Presidents
All candidates signed a pledge to eventually support the party nominee. The following have refused to honor it.


U.S. Senators

U.S. Representatives

Former State Department officials
Former Defense Department officials
Former National Security officials
Other former federal government officials

Statewide officials
State legislators
Municipal officials
Other notable individuals
Republican Party figures

Conservative academics, journalists and commentators
Business leaders

Republican groups
See also