Thursday, February 2, 2017

When you as a mentor find out you're wrong - change course! How do I know? Read on! - by CL

Free trade is one of the subjects I have learned was nothing more than a 'Conservative' mantra which I repeated time after time as one of my basic and fundamental beliefs.
I can also guarantee you that every 'Conservative' politician who repeats that same phrase doesn't know what he's talking about. Why?
He never has to prove it works!
The fact that so called 'free trade' works within the national boundaries between states is not the same as trade between nations - and especially so if there is free movement of immigrants.
In short, much of what we remembered from our education - ain't true!
Besides the two entries today on the myth of free trade, I strongly suggest that you do a word search here on the 'free trade' phrase and you will have dozens of article to read and study.
This is real stuff, folks - and any mentor worth his salt better be up to speed - NOW!
There are too many 'experts' running around blathering nonsense - it's time to get the facts straight.