Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Periodic Reminder to Mentors from DaCrush - Dec. 27, 2017

As I mention often, this is not a news site – it is a collection (archive) of articles and analyses which have been selected to raise the awareness level of mentors if we expect to guide others in responsible citizenship. You can read more of my thoughts on that at my website – – or link from the right hand column here to Home.
You might have noticed that many of my posts are from the same sources. I would hope and encourage you to go directly to those sources on your own on a daily or regular basis. I am not trying to build my number of visitors here as a commercial exercise. While the general response here has been gratifying, I greatly urge you to become a mentoring influence and use this site for research. Let me give you an example.
Some days ago, I was talking to a friend who is in education. He asked me if I could explain cultural Marxism. A teachable moment?
Yes – but not for me to go on for the next 10 or 15 minutes yammering about what I knew. When I got home, I simply went to my computer – typed in the term ‘cultural Marxism’ at my archive – a multitude of good articles and I emailed the link to my friend. Job Done!
That is how to use this site ideally. It is rare that a news item meets our need to know in a timely manner.
Remember – the discovery of truth is a process – it is NOT an end state! (You have no idea how many of my past ‘truths’ have become myths!)
Sadly, too many of the people I meet on the internet and on the Disqus comment forum, clearly assume that they are already in full knowledge of DaTruth – so they only want to preach and argue –and they REFUSE to read any contrarian evidence! Any wonder we as a nation and the world are insane?
As we approach another year (Counted from the year of the birth of Jesus Christ – BTW), let us all propose to seek the truth – wherever it may lead us.
Happy New Year to you all!