Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Reformation as you've never heard it before - The American Vision - by Dr. Joel McDurmon

What was the Protestant Reformation all about? Simple: it was about the power of local government and lesser magistrates. It was about much more, but it was definitely, and crucially, about this. Without it, there would have been no Reformation. Without it, there will also not be another one.
Church history is so often taught only as an abstraction from the rest of history, and it makes quite a difference in our worldview when consider the rest of the story. Here are some of the more important points to the rest of the story of the Protestant Reformation.
As part of celebrating this 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we need to recover the broader view of it’s implications. It is not only about personal salvation, etc., but all areas of life. In order to recover that view, we need to consider the broader, earthly, real aspects of its background: politics, business, banking, technology, local government, and resistance.
This talk is the first in a series of three, delivered last month at the Biblical Worldview Academy in Hobart, Tasmania. Together they essentially make one long presentation in three installments, urging us to look at the broader social implications of Sola Scriptura (authority), Sola Gratia (Grace and work), and Soli Deo Gloria (mediatorship), each for every area of life.
There is one thing I can assure you: you have probably never heard the Reformation taught like this before.
(Link to website for better access if necessary.)
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