Saturday, February 24, 2018

Vox Popoli: David Hogg, media star (Crisis actors keep getting younger)

Apparently the supply of young actors isn't what it once was. I blame #MeToo.

(Link to video at website below)

Now the media is desperately trying to explain away the California video. He was just visiting friends and family! It was just a super interesting encounter, which is why it was covered by the local news in Los Angeles!

“I witnessed this event, why are you guys doing this to me? I’m trying to be as well spoken as possible because these politicians won’t,” he tells Fujii. “I hate that people think I’m an actor, but I don’t have time to care about that. I have to keep going.”

Hogg’s father is former FBI, but he claims that despite some speculation, his dad has nothing to do with his views.

“I am not fed any lines. My father is a retired FBI agent,” said Hogg. “I’m not working with him or anybody else on this. I’m speaking from my heart.”

It's a philosophical conundrum. If the crisis actor denies he is a crisis actor, isn't he, by the very act of his denial, confirming precisely what he denies being? The thing is, it's quite easy to distinguish between scripted dialogue and normal human communication. There is a sort of aural uncanny valley that is hard for the average individual to articulate, but they pick it up nevertheless.

"I'm not working with him... I'm speaking from my heart." Those are the sorts of phrases that simply screams SCRIPT. And why doesn't he "have time"? He's a high school kid! He has nothing but time!

Keep in mind that a false flag doesn't mean that there were no real victims. When General L.L Lemnitzer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed off on Operation Northwoods on March 13, 1962, it was specifically planned for "the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives" to "commit acts of terrorism against American civilians."

Back then, the Deep State wanted to drum up support for a war with Cuba. Now, it wants to drum up public support for gun control. But it's all fake and it has been for at least the last 56 years. Do you seriously want to argue that human nature has somehow evolved past that sort of thing in that time?

The ironic thing is that it never occurred to me to think that the high school kids might be plants until they started "speaking out". But after hearing them talk, it never occurred to me for a second that they might be genuine. People being held hostage by ISIS have recorded more convincing speeches on camera with a knife held to their throat.

Meanwhile, the Official Story continues to change.

Not one but four sheriff’s deputies hid behind cars instead of storming Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, Fla., during Wednesday’s school shooting, police claimed Friday — as newly released records revealed the Broward County Sheriff’s Office had received at least 18 calls about the troubled teen over the past decade.

Were they cowards? Or were they ordered to stand down? We certainly can't believe a single thing that the Broward County Sheriff's Office says either.