Saturday, March 10, 2018

Vox Popoli: Voxiversity 002 - A Lesson from History. This one is called Sink the Ships. (3 minute video)

The second Voxiversity video is now live! This is a short video of the kind we are calling A Lesson from History. This one is called Sink the Ships.

Episode Two: Sink the Ships
A few of the comments on YouTube, before they get disappeared like those on the first one.
  • First the production was excellent, better than the first.  Second, what a great lesson from history, wake-up America & European Nations!
  • Unbelievable!  I've never heard so much said in under 3 minutes.
  • Excellent follow up, even better than Voxiversity #1!
We will be holding the first Voxiversity Q&A tomorrow at 7 PM Eastern. Check your email if you're a backer. If you are a backer and you didn't receive one, please email me for the URL. And if you're not yet, but you want to support Voxiversity and attend, you can do so here.