Friday, May 4, 2018

Mentoring Simplified – May 4, 2018 – (Posted by Crush)

One of the fundamental precepts of mentoring is teaching - others are advising, guiding, cautioning, encouraging, etc. - I think you get the idea.
For example, every parent is expected by God to be a mentor - Deuteronomy 6.
As adults, when mentoring others, how and when are we qualified to mentor - do we need to know and understand everything there is to know?

It stands to reason that we also have to be learners as well as mentors - concurrently. Discovering truth is a process for us mortals - it is not an end state.
Believe the man who seeks the truth - run from whoever says he has found all DaTruth!
About half a lifetime ago, I heard a recorded essay by Earl Nightingale in which he said this - If you spend just 30 minutes a day reading on a subject of your interest, in 5 years you will become an expert! Imagine if you read more.

So let us cut to the chase - if you are a visitor here on a regular basis - you are already part of a small, but potentially very powerful group. How are you utilizing that position for maximum effect?
When I started this blog-archive and the Home website -  - three years ago, I titled it Government/Religion/Politics/Culture for a very simple reason - I had been reading on that subject material for at least 10 years and disseminated some of it to my family and friends.
If you haven't visited my website as linked above, please do so - it explains my basic premise and presuppositions which underlie my purpose on the net.
My son-in-law kept bugging me to start a blog - it took me 5 years to actually do it, but it's not a real blog - it's an archive of articles - almost all written by others. The archive now has over 3000 posts.
Everything I've ever learned came from others - and I learned a lot - so why not make it available to everyone?
At the same time, it's a focused archive on the above general topics - all of which affect our lives!
I use it primarily to link related articles when I comment on Disqus. It is especially effective on a word search - grouping well documented articles that provide a basis for learning. I consider that mentoring.
Here are just a few of the searches I have done lately:
  • ·         Western Civilization 
  • ·         Identity Politics 
  • ·         Cold War
  • ·         North Korea 
  • ·         Syria 
  • ·         CIA 
  • ·         Churchianity vs Christianity 

I strongly suggest you do your own searches - and learn as you read. Don't try to be the smart guy - back up your assertions with well written and researched material.
In a few years you will be the expert - especially when you can back up what you say.
Always ask - is it true, and then prove it.

As you gain in knowledge and understanding, your confidence will grow in your worldview and fundamental belief structure - not easily fed or led by every whim or wind coming your way.
At the same time, don't become so rigid that you now think you have all DaTruth - too many of us are still fighting DaLastWar - it was over - decades ago. It's pure laziness, arrogance or lack of intellectual curiosity that often leads us astray.
So - if you have any specific questions- please use the email form on my Home website and I will try to answer promptly - otherwise Good Mentoring!
Yes you can!