Thursday, June 28, 2018

Facebook permanently bans young anti-migration “Identitarian” movement (Unlike our pacified older generation - the young is awakening!)

“The anti-mass migration Generation Identity movement has been banned permanently from Facebook…Facebook confirmed that the group had been permanently banned from the platform, “citing their policies against extremist content and organised hate groups.”
Over the last few years, Westerners have been conditioned to accept madness. Calling out human rights abuses and trying to save Western countries from becoming mirror images of Islamic states is not “extremist,” and does not constitute “hate.” The young “identitarian” movement has been expanding to defend against Islamization.
“Across Europe from Ireland to Slovenia, groups of young people are mobilizing against migration. A growing “identitarian” movement, led by mostly smart and tech-savvy young men, is attracting attention in its efforts to “stop and reverse” the flow of migrants from the South.
It is difficult to argue against the mission of the identitarian movement as it is stated on their website:
“Generation Identity (in some countries, ‘Identitarian Movement’) is a Europe-wide patriotic youth movement that promotes the values of homeland, freedom and tradition through peaceful activism, political education, and community & cultural activities. We want to create an awareness for a metapolitical patriotic value base
Yet elected globalist leaders who continue to betray their countries have allied themselves with Islamic supremacists, and are slowly dismantling the freedoms of their societies. Members of this alliance continue to lie about, condemn and smear anyone who stands against their socialist-left and Islamic supremacist agendas. The cornerstone of any free society is free speech, dialogue and debate, which Generation Identity also promotes:
“We are a non-violent youth movement that highlights the need for open and honest public debate about immigration policies, identity and the future of our nations and of Europe.
While Facebook shuts down free expression and voices of reasoned concern about the Islamization of Western countries, it has been accused of sloppily and “inadvertently” helping thousands of jihadists “connect and recruit new members” through its suggested friends feature.
“Over the last several weeks the group [Generation Identity] has seen page after page disappear from the social media giant’s platform with little or no explanation.
In May, Jihad Watch reported that the far-Left hate group Hope Not Hate was responsible for getting Generation Identity UK co-leader Tom Dupré fired from his banking job for his anti-Islamization views. Hope Not Hate tweeted out proudly that “far-right group Generation Identity – a movement which has a long history of racism and extreme anti-Muslim prejudice – have been BANNED from Facebook.”
“Censorship: Entire European Identitarian Movement Permanently Banned From Facebook”, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, June 24, 2018:
“The anti-mass migration Generation Identity movement has been banned permanently from Facebook, after all of their official pages were deleted due to “extremist content.”
Over the last several weeks the group has seen page after page disappear from the social media giant’s platform with little or no explanation, but a new report claims that Facebook has permanently banned the hipster-right identitarians, accusing them of posting “extremist content”.
According to the paper, Facebook confirmed that the group had been permanently banned from the platform, “citing their policies against extremist content and organised hate groups.”
The ban impacts all branches of the identitarian movement, including in Britain, Austria, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, and France, where the original Generation Identitaire group was founded.
The French wing of the movement put out a press release when censorship of their pages began earlier this year, saying: “By depriving Generation Identitaire of any representation on its platform, Facebook tries to gag a political movement that has accumulated hundreds of thousands of subscribers throughout Europe.”….