Monday, June 10, 2019

LBJ: Master of Deceit – Indicting Lyndon B. Johnson for Numerous Treasons, beginning with his central role in the murder of John F. Kennedy

Correcting History . . .

Phillip F. Nelson
For those who don’t understand what I’m about or why I have chosen to write four books about a president I have detested since at least 1962, allow me to explain that.  First, understand that it is not my nature to dwell on negativity; the opposite is true, I strive to remain positive, as do most people.  In fact, I consider myself as the bearer of torches, lighting the darkness left in the wake of the 36th POTUS.
The darkness was put into the corrupted historical record of Lyndon Johnson’s reign as President by a succession of many other authors who took the opposite tack as they intentionally hid his intrinsic criminality. The original “biographers” (whom I have called out within those books) he recruited rewrote actual history by either ignoring the worst of his deceits or reframing that which could not easily be swept under the rug or into the dustbin of history.  In so doing, they have replaced historic facts with mythologically fabricated lies.  My humble intent is merely to point out these instances, prove the deceits as best I can, and shine the spotlight into the dark recesses to rediscover nearly forgotten truths.
It is an unfortunate predicament that we must all face, or ignore at our peril — but the continued beatification of the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson, honoring a very dishonorable man as though it will somehow absolve him of his criminality — is to deny the existence of a cancer upon the nation that will eventually destroy it.   His political progeny, which continue to multiply, repeat his manipulative methods and criminal conduct in their efforts to reinforce the hiding of his deceits, criminal acts and cover-ups, have succeeded in extending the reign of terror he brought forth well into the new millennium.
Consider how other nations have acknowledged the pernicious tyrants who caused so much destruction in their own histories:  For example, Russia has cleansed the worst of its past by renaming Stalingrad as Volgograd  and Leningrad as St. Petersburg;  Germany, so relieved by Hitler’s death (or his fleeing to South America), that his name became so reviled by the vast majority of its population that no monuments were ever dedicated to his memory and his book Mein Kampf became verboten and, for decades, practically disappeared from existence.  Compare that to the number of parks, expressways, buildings, schools (and soon, a new Navy warship) named after Lyndon B. Johnson, who shared many of the worst traits of the most infamous dictators in world history.
The following maxims (the original by Santayana and rephrased by Winston Churchill), summarize these points succinctly and forcefully:

~ George Santayana, 1905
~ Winston Churchill, 1948

~ Winston Churchill [with certain irony, having first hand experience in being a “victor”]
Truth is often the first casualty in the aftermath of conflict. The creation of mythological stories about real-life historical figures has become entrenched in every facet of American culture for a very long time.
In the case of mid-twentieth-century leaders, it has taken nearly five decades for truth-seekers to sift out the myths—composed of subtle deceits and brazen lies—from the basest pure truths.
President Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover are the clearest examples of how the tension between myths and truths is still being wrought, in a continuing cultural movement that has no end in sight.

Welcome Seekers of Truth about LBJ’s REAL Legacy
This blog, “LBJ The Master of Deceit” is dedicated to finding, reporting and curating the actual truths of the life and times of the 36th POTUS, and the factual records — as nearly as they can be reconstructed given the massive, multiple cover-ups and still-sealed records* — of the Johnson presidency.
Needless to say — but important, nonetheless, in setting the context — Lyndon Johnson did not invent, nor did he have any sort of exclusive ownership of, such politician’s traits as treachery or deceitfulness.  His imprint had more to do with the audacity, brazenness and levels of corruption and deceit and treachery that he introduced into the political arena during his reign of power.  More than any others of his contemporary era — even those who were instrumental in his ascension to the presidency and the brutal exercise of his near dictatorial wrath during the tumultuous 1960s — it was his lifetime pursuit of crimes and their cover-ups that put him into the all-powerful position he maintained throughout that decade.
Beyond his earlier crimes, the measures taken in the immediate aftermath of the Israeli attack on his own ship, the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 — to completely erase the actual events of that failed mission when the ship didn’t sink, and replace the record with a massively fictional account — illustrated his puissant ability, under extreme exigencies, to instantly create a cover-up of presidential treasons.  He had pressed Israeli leadership to conduct it, over many months of planning, but their curious “jump-starting” of the long-planned start of the Six Day War ten days too early (It had been scheduled for June 15, 1967) and then the even stranger inability of the motor-torpedo boats to hit the defenseless ship, caused it to become clear that there was no unanimity among them to comply.  The “last straw” — which proved that the desperate Johnson was the instigator of that attack — was his order, according to credible witnesses, to one of his own submarines to fire the torpedo that did finally hit it.  It was the horrid culmination of a lifetime of cunning deceits, in this case, caused by his deluded belief that he would be able to use another “false flag” pretext — of putting the blame on Egypt for the attack — despite the fact that their air force had been virtually destroyed by Israel in their sneak attack on the first day of the war: Israeli leaders knew it would be impossible to support the assertion that Egypt was the attacker.  Thus, he forced them to assert that the two and one-half hour sustained assault was due to “accidental mistaken identification” and, to this day, as absurd as it is — for numerous reasons, as explained in Remember the Liberty! — that remains the official position.
At that point in time, he was 58 years old, two months short of his 59th year; according to his most prominent biographer, Robert Caro, he had practiced his deceits in small ways well before he turned ten years old, each one portending greater steps across the boundaries of ethical, moral and/or legal precepts.  As an adult, the intrusions grew greater, into such things as campaign fund fraud, stolen elections, collusion with numerous criminal associates including organized crime figures and murders of people who either crossed him directly or represented the potential to do great political harm to him personally.
It was no coincidence that the following year — 1968, his last year in the Oval Office — became a year of murders and mayhem:  It began with his decision on March 31 to not run for reelection, followed by the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. four days later and Robert F. Kennedy two months after that, then his immediate turnabout, albeit unsuccessful, decision to reenter the presidential race as a “White Knight” savior.  It was as if he had voluntarily stepped aside — though temporarily — to remove himself from suspicion during those nefarious operations, and the on-going primaries that he clearly wanted to avoid, but leave himself an opening to return to the campaign just in time to run again for the presidency he had always thought was his destiny.
Neither was it a coincidence that the December, 1968 murder of pacifist monk Thomas Merton, another man in his ascendency whom Johnson feared might eventually expose presidential treasons, was similarly done in his last months in office.
In the aftermath of the disastrous 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, the sitting president, Lyndon Johnson, who had been dis-invited to his own convention — and whom was not even mentioned by the speakers there, had this to say:
“I’ve never felt lower in my life . . . How do you think it feels to be completely rejected by the party you’ve spent your life with, knowing that your name cannot be mentioned without choruses of boos and obscenities?”
It is interesting that the so-called “historians” who consistently vote Johnson into the “top ten” list of presidents never mention what his own party thought of him at the end of his reign of terror.

This video is about 45 minutes long, but every minute contains incredibly important background information which is key to understanding what really happened. I owe my entire “Reawakening” about this case to having seen one of the original (of the five) 2003 broadcasts by the History Channel and realized that my long-time suspicion about Johnson was correct; unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the Johnson sycophants to come out of the woodwork to force the History Channel to never rebroadcast it after 2003 .
It was this realization that caused me to decide, four years later, to write the book. I should have acknowledged this within the book but neglected to do so, instead citing only the original book sources for some of the same material that was used here.  But it was this film that was the single “proximate cause” of the eventual book. So, “Kudos” especially to Ed Tatro,  Nigel Turner, the unsung hero Rick Russo (who had previously acquired the U.S. broadcast rights to the series The Men Who Killed Kennedy), together with all the others associated with the production of this video!

 One need only consider the numerous records still under seal — or those of which officials have acknowledged were “inadvertently” destroyed — to understand how “massive” those cover-ups have been.  They include the millions of records pertaining to JFK’s assassination that Johnson personally ordered to be sealed for seventy-five years (and which Congress, in 1992, ordered to be unsealed by 2017 — yet many thousands still remain sealed).  The fact that the Secret Service contemptuously destroyed many of those records before they were opened, the fact that the Los Angles Police Department destroyed many of the records of Robert Kennedy’s assassination, just as the Memphis Police Department destroyed many records of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, all further validate this point.

WARNING:  Unless you are prepared to rethink all of the many myths that have been previously accepted and publicized about Lyndon B. Johnson and his presidency — many of which you will find dissected within these pages — then you may find yourself disappointed with the sordid truthful information as presented herein.  (Interestingly, many folks seem to prefer to believe the myths, all based upon disinformation planted either by Johnson himself or through his highly paid aide/sycophants and others paid by “bought and paid for” faux-historians, biographers and so-called ‘journalists’).

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