Monday, August 26, 2019

Fake Peace, Fake Healers, Fake Neighbors and now - Fake Jesus?

Fake News - Where to begin?

Blessed are DaWarMongers? But there’s $$$$$$ to be made!

How many genders are there? Blessed are DaHealers?

Just moved into your neighborhood – (very funny and very Canadian satire)
When the devil moves in next door to Cooper Smith Cooper's house, Cooper doesn't know what to make of him at first. But when the unexpectedly neighborly Mr. Scratch helps the unemployed actuary find a job at a local insurance company with the help of some inside information into the activities of Death, Cooper decides the old devil might not be so bad after all. The only problem, Cooper thinks, is how to conceal from his fellow actuaries his newfound ability to perfectly predict the time and place of people's deaths.

And then, there is also the small matter of the screams of his recently deceased neighbor coming from Scratch's basement furnace to consider.

Big Christianism, or the Christianism-Industrial-Complex vs. Christianity – as only Jack Kerwick can explain Fake Jesus

And if you want to dig further – try word searching Fake News, War Mongers, Genders or any other term in DaLimbrawLibrary – you will be reading for days!

All in a day’s work!