Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Trump is going to be taken out, unless…..! – Tom Luongo shows how!

“The events of the past twelve days since Trump murdered IRGC General Qassem Soleimani prove this beyond any doubt. Impeachment was the leverage point to drive open a wedge between Republicans and Trump through Iran.” – Luongo

I rarely comment on speculations by writers, preferring to post articles based on facts and history. Today’s Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp displays not only Luongo’s history of accurate predictions, but leads into a whole library of previously successful removals of US presidents or leading Americans.

From DaLimbraw Library:

JFK – a word search from DLL – read for days and tell me where the evidence lies.

Kennedy Assassination – Ditto above

WeDaPeople vs. DaSwamp – who wins? You tell me!