Wednesday, June 24, 2020

All Clear Siren or Lock Them Up Again? - By Dr. Mark Sircus

We Don’t Quarantine Treatable Diseases
COVID-19 is a treatable infectious disease. Quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods, which is intended to prevent the spread of non-treatable contagious diseases, but is not necessary when there are effective treatments. We are being played, for the only thing health officials are interested in is a fast-tracked vaccine.
However, doctors around the world were up to the task during this pandemic. In four short months, they have developed numerous answers to this virus, and by extension, other viral infections. Both pharmaceutical and treatment with natural substances have been extraordinarily useful, even in the face of serious pre-conditions, yet the mainstream narrative continues to ignore these advancements.
“This is a disease that 99.9 percent of the people who are infected with survive! But 40 million people out of work and the thousands of lives that will end due to the shutdown are never mentioned. There is something else going on here, and it is in no way related to public health,” writes Dr. Ron Paul.

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Dr. Paul continues saying, “Texas, Florida, and California were singled out to scare the rest of the country into thinking that if you dare leave your homes, you will catch coronavirus and die. There were a “spike” in coronavirus “cases,” they claimed. Funny, just a month or so ago, they were demanding that we massively increase testing, which would produce just that “spike” in coronavirus cases they are now using to scare authorities into reinstating the incredibly destructive stay-at-home orders.”
One study said that “nearly half or even more” of patients
testing positive for SARS-COV-2 did not have the virus.
In other words, half of the results were false positives.
“If you tune into the latest media blitz on the supposedly “record-shattering” expansion of COVID infections in Florida, lately, you’d likely assume that reopening is going terribly wrong, and we should be bracing for the much-heralded “second wave” of deadly infections, as well preparing for the next lockdown,” writes Sayer Ji, Founder of GreenMedInfo.
Sayer Ji continues, “Yet, despite this carefully crafted media message, the facts are that the Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection’s publically available statistics show that despite the increases in “confirmed cases” caused by the scaling of testing facilities and the increasing number of people getting tested, the actual death toll from COVID-19 is steeply declining, if not actually at this point non-existent.”
A week ago Dr. Paul said, “Now, after thousands of businesses – many of them black-owned – have been reduced to rubble and innocent people in the inner cities no longer have anywhere to shop for the necessities of life, the mainstream media has backed off of its non-stop coverage of the protests. Suddenly last week, they all simultaneously embraced a new fear story to terrify the masses: a “second wave” of coronavirus was among us. It was targeting those states that dared to “open up” their economies and begin a return to relatively normal lives.”
No Vaccine Needed
There are 135 vaccines in development. However, none are needed. We do not need a vaccine for what is treatable by safer, more effective means. Even the regular flu vaccines are not effective enough to prevent people from dying of that. The Who says 650,000 die annually from the common flu. In future years, because of Covid-19, doctors will be able to reduce these high death rates from other viruses from what they have learned in this pandemic.
Modern medicine has never quarantined populations for readily treated conditions, and there is no reason to do so now. The present pandemic has only been a problem for one reason. It is because a small group of health officials decided months beforehand precisely what they were going to do. They still pretend there is no treatment and that everything depends on rushing a vaccine to the public, which they will make mandatory. Someone is going to make a lot of money, and of course, the vaccine will be as safe as 5G.
How We Treat Determines the Death Rate, Not the Virus
Michigan’s death rate (where hydroxychloroquine was banned) was over 9%, the highest in the nation. In contrast, South Dakota’s rate (where that state’s governor openly urged doctors to use whatever medications they judged to be effective in treating the virus) was the lowest, at about 0.8%.

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Part of that high death rate is because anyone in Michigan, who had tested positive for COVID-19 and dies, is counted as a “COVID-19 death.” The director of public health made it clear that that was true even if it was evident that the person died from some other cause, such as terminal cancer.
In Michigan, as in New York, the number of deaths in nursing homes was
significantly increased by order of the States’ governors: In both cases, the
nursing homes were forbidden to turn away COVID-positive hospital transferees.
Is it Safe to Reengage in Activities?
When we know a disease is treatable, as COVID-19 is, then we can go about our business just like we do living with all the conditions on our planet. COVID-19 is treatable, as treatable as the common flu, even more so because COVID-19 forced doctors to discover new treatments, which they did, so it is safe to go out and feel as free as a bird.
Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent
Chance of Helping COVID-19 Patients.
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Two broad approaches are proving themselves. Doctors practicing pharmaceutical medicine have come up with a hybrid approach that combines old inexpensive medications used for malaria, an antibiotic, and then adds a natural element, which is zinc. In the worst cases, intravenous vitamin C has been used, and in China, they are using hydrogen inhalation, which seems to be clearing up the lungs quite quickly.
Then there is the all-natural approach, which is even less expensive than the cheap pharmaceutical method. The best place to go, when you step outside, which your governments are starting to let people do, is to go out into the sun and receive your free treatment, which probably the best medicine.
Make a religion out of sunbathing, and companies should give an extra half hour off for lunch to soak in the vitamin D generating rays. If that is not possible high dosages of D supplementation are in order. There is no death from the coronavirus at vitamin D blood concentrations above 34 ng/mlGovernment funds would be well spent boosting vitamin D production. More than 1 billion individuals worldwide, across all age groups, are deficient in vitamin D.
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Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections originate at home, thus making the stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place, and this makes sense as vitamin D deficiencies build while away from the sun. However, no matter what anyone thinks or says, health officials are making it clear that Covid-19 is going to continue.
All Clear Sirens
An Italian health official has said the coronavirus is losing its lethal punch. “In reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy,” Alberto Zangrillo, the head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, told Reuters. Yet around much of the rest of the world, they are religiously counting deaths, spikes, and anticipating second waves. Some people like to raise the alarm no matter what the situation and no matter what the cost/collateral damage.
The stakes are enormous. The lies keep changing. Lockdowns continue, but the American president stated he would not be locking down his country again. Health officials should be the last people we trust. We cannot trust them with our lives, with our future, nor the health of our children.
“The real test for the public will come when lock-downs return. I realize that there is a bit of denial in the population when it comes to this idea. I see many people operating on the assumption that the “reopening” is a long-term situation. I assure you, it is not. As I have noted in many previous articles, the establishment intends to use what I call “wave theory” or a cycle of shutdowns and openings over a year or longer. There WILL be new lockdowns, if not in the name of a resurgence in COVID infections, it will be in the name of stopping the national riots,” writes Brandon Smith.
Reprinted with permission from
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books. Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine.
Copyright © Dr. Mark Sircus