Monday, October 26, 2020

True Q: Elements of Truth in the QAnon Conspiracy, by Thomas Dalton - The Unz Review

 Sympnoia panta (“All things conspire”).


“I know nothing about QAnon.”
Donald J. Trump[2]

What can be more fun than a conspiracy? Conspiracies are sneaky, salacious, cryptographic, lurid, and enticing. They promise secret knowledge of the inner workings of society—knowledge that only a relative few possess, thus empowering the knower. They claim to identify and expose evil wrongdoers, thus holding out hope for retribution, true justice, and a better world. And they bring a kind of order and coherence to an otherwise incoherent time. If, in the end, they turn out to be incomplete, or partially wrong, so what? No harm in investigating the machinations of society, and in any case, some elements of truth are certain to be flushed out in the process. Much to gain, little to lose.

Conspiracy theories have been around for thousands of years—at least. Claims of secretive and malevolent Jewish schemes, for example, go back to 300 BC.[3] Anti-Christian conspiracy theories date to the early second century, as found in the writings of Tacitus and Pliny the Younger. In the Middle Ages, stories about the Inquisition, the Knights Templar, Freemasons, and the papacy all gave rise to a variety of conspiracy claims. For centuries, it was a “conspiracy theory” to believe that the Donation of Constantine—a document granting ruling authority to the Catholic Church—was fraudulent; but this conspiracy was proven true by Lorenzo Valla in 1440, when he exposed the charade. Catholic conspiracies continue to serve as grist for popular exposés, both fictional and nonfiction, to the present day.

But what, exactly, is a conspiracy? In the most general terms, it is a secretive, hidden effort by a relatively small group of people to steer events in a chosen direction. Literally, it is a group of people who “breathe together” (con+spirare, ‘to breathe’), but it also has a connotation of the Latin spiritus (‘spirit’), meaning ‘those of a shared spirit.’ A conspiracy is thus a group of people with a shared spirit, a common outlook, who, at least in part, work closely together—“breathe together”—to achieve their hidden ends.

Thus understood, it is clear that there are countless conspiracies at work in the world today, as there have been throughout history. Every governmental office that works behind closed doors to enact policy, every corporate boardroom that crafts strategy and action, every leadership group of virtually any organization that coordinates any action whatsoever, is technically a conspiracy. Each of these act, at least in part, “secretly,” and does so on behalf of certain beneficiaries—such as the citizens, the stockholders, or the members of the organization. Of course, in most cases, we don’t call such actions ‘conspiracies’; in common usage, we restrict the term to a deliberately secretive, conniving, scheming group of individuals, usually a handful in number, who work illegally or immorally to gain wealth or power. In this restricted sense, virtually any criminal effort, if it involves more than one person, is a conspiracy. But it applies as well to countless corporate and governmental actions, many of which are illegal or immoral or both. Suffice to say that conspiracies of all stripes are alive and well in the modern world. To believe in conspiracies—that is, to be a “conspiracy theorist”—is simply to acknowledge reality.

But this is not good enough for our global elite. They want to restrict the term even further. Media, government, and academia would have us believe that a conspiracy—any conspiracy—is by definition a false, baseless, and sophomoric notion that only a fool or an idiot would believe. They want us to think that simply by labeling something as “a conspiracy theory” that we will see it as both ludicrous and grossly untrue, and that therefore any believer of such a thing must be an ignorant, deluded, or hopelessly confused person. Thus the term adds to a long line of similar slanders, insults, and ad hominem fallacies; a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is akin to a ‘racist,’ a ‘bigot,’ a ‘far right-winger,’ a ‘Holocaust denier,’ an ‘anti-Semite,’ and a ‘White supremacist.’ These favored elite catch-phrases offer shorthand dismissal and vilification of inconvenient ideas or individuals.

That said, what can we meaningfully say about the QAnon conspiracy theory? Here is one summary published in August 2019 by, based on an interview with a Washington Post reporter:

QAnon is based upon the idea that there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence, essentially. And they would have continued ruling the world, were it not for the election of President Donald Trump. Now, Trump in this conspiracy theory knows all about this evil cabal’s wrongdoing. But one of the reasons that Trump was elected was to put an end to them, basically. And now we would be ignorant of this behind-the-scenes battle of Trump and the US military—that everyone backs him and the evil cabal—were it not for ‘Q.’

Q, of course, is the secret governmental source who has special inside knowledge of such things, and who leaks them out regularly and often on web-based imageboards like 4chan, (the now-defunct) 8chan, and (currently) 8kun.[4] The letter ‘Q’ allegedly refers to the highest level of security clearance—“Q clearance”—at the US Department of Energy. Q first appeared in late 2017, with a post on an alleged forthcoming arrest of Hillary Clinton (“HRC”):

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. …

This was followed soon thereafter by a related claim that John Podesta would be arrested, again with subsequent riots. Needless to say, no such arrests or extraditions have yet occurred. But these were only the first of many predictions to come.

Now, three years later, Q has amassed a large body of posts, or “drops,” numbering almost 5,000—an average of about five a day. They vary in length and subject matter; some are clear and straightforward, but many are cryptic—involving vague allusions, mysterious acronyms and abbreviations, and tantalizing implications. Members of QAnon spend countless hours deciphering and interpreting Q’s many clues. They further repost all Q drops at various Internet sites;, and are three good sources.[5] Technically, these posts from Q himself are the only “legitimate” sources of conspiracy information. Anything else has been grafted on by followers (or opponents, as the case may be).

Evolution of a Conspiracy

The QAnon phenomenon emerged in late 2017, most notably with the Twitter-backing of (Jewish) celebrity Rosanne Barr. But the story didn’t get real media coverage until early 2018. The Daily Beast, for example, wrote in March of that year that “[Q] claims to be a high-ranking government official with inside knowledge of the White House where, he claims, Trump is planning mass arrests of top Democrats for allegedly being involved in a satanic child-sex-trafficking ring.” The mass arrests constitute an event referred to as “the Storm,” which is yet to materialize.[6] But Q-spiracists have faith that it is coming, and soon.

Before long, Q signs and slogans began showing up in Trump rallies around the country. Web journal wrote about the movement in August 2018, using a boatload of pejoratives, including “mountain of bullshit,” “insane,” “batshit crazy,” “irrational,” and so on. Mashable argued that QAnon was a kind of right-wing diversion from actual pedophilia and sexual abuse/harassment cases against prominent Republicans, including Dennis Hastert, Roy Moore, and Jim Jordan. They then blamed execs at Facebook, Twitter, and Google for allowing this “batshit-crazy” conspiracy to gain traction—as was the case, they claimed, with so-called Holocaust denialism.[7]

Around March 2019, the Q-stories got weirder. reported on QAnon as “based on the idea that special counsel Robert Mueller and President Donald Trump are working together to expose thousands of cannibalistic pedophiles hidden in plain sight (including Hillary Clinton and actor Tom Hanks) and then send them to Guantanamo Bay.” QAnon-ers also believe, they claimed, that Hillary Clinton “was executed by lethal injection,” and that “John F. Kennedy Jr. is still alive”—neither of which were asserted by Q himself.[8] Such claims came from outside sources, quite possibly to discredit the nascent movement.

By August of that year, as reported in Salon, the story turned ominous. The original “satanic” had now morphed into “Satan-worshipping,” and worse, the “pedophiles” were now “a worldwide cabal” who “rule the world”; as cited above, “they control politicians, they control the media, they control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence.” There is, of course, only one such group that fits that description: Jews. More on them below.

Also by this time, mainstream journalist-critics began emphasizing the putative “religious” nature of Q’s ideology. reported on the “apocalyptic” quality of the conspiracy, on the group’s vision of a coming battle “between absolute good and absolute evil,” and Q himself was depicted “like [a] religious millennialist.” There is some truth to this. Q refers to God on countless occasions, and frequently cites the Bible. He is particularly fond of Ephesians 6:10, especially the passage calling for us to “put on the full armor of God,” in preparation for the coming struggle.[9] References to Jesus, by contrast, are almost nonexistent; this suggests that Q is an ardent Catholic, perhaps of a fundamentalist bent. He is certainly a typical conservative: pro-God, patriotic, pro-Trump, anti-Democrat, anti-liberal, etc. But the religious language has caught fire with American Christians in particular, and seems to be a driving force behind Q’s rise to prominence.

The religious angle thus attained top priority. In June 2020, Atlantic was writing of “The Prophecies of Q.” “The language of evangelical Christianity has come to define the Q movement,” they wrote (disregarding the utter lack of references to Jesus). “Among the people of QAnon, faith remains absolute.” One true believer is quoted as saying “I feel God led me to Q.” One of the supposed “best-known QAnon evangelists,” according to Atlantic, is David Hayes, aka PrayingMedic. Atlantic’s view is summarized thusly:

It is a movement united in mass rejection of reason, objectivity, and other Enlightenment values. And we are likely closer to the beginning of its story than the end. The group harnesses paranoia to fervent hope and a deep sense of belonging. The way it breathes life into an ancient preoccupation with end-times is also radically new. To look at QAnon is to see not just a conspiracy theory but the birth of a new religion.

Mainstream media’s view is clear: QAnon-ers are irrational, unhinged, quasi-religious lunatics who are detached from reality. For their part, Atlantic simply can’t make heads or tails of such people; “QAnon is complex and confusing.” We will see why they say this momentarily.

QAnon and Jew-Anon

It was also at this time that our intrepid journalists began to reveal perhaps their greatest fear: the connection between QAnon and anti-Semitism. Atlantic wrote that “the most prominent QAnon figures have a presence beyond the biggest social-media platforms and imageboards. The Q universe encompasses … alternative social-media platforms such as Gab, the site known for anti-Semitism and white nationalism.” Indeed, they say, Q-like conspiracy theories “have helped sustain consequential [social] eruptions, such as … anti-Semitism” at all points in time.

Here, finally, we seem to be getting to the root of media hysteria over QAnon. Backing Trump was bad enough, but once Q-ers started turning anti-Semitic, well…time to crush that bug. The issue went bigtime in July of this year, in such pieces as Wired’s “The dark virality of a Hollywood blood-harvesting conspiracy.” As the Jewish writer Brian Friedberg explains in his subtitle, “A centuries-old anti-Semitic myth is spreading freely on far-right corners of social media—suggesting a new digital Dark Age has arrived.” Now we get to the rub. As Friedberg sees it, QAnon-ers are resurrecting and modernizing the ancient “blood libel” charge against Jews, which was traditionally based on the idea that Jews would kidnap and kill Christians—typically children—in order to use their blood for various religious rites, for its alleged healing powers, and to consume in various food products.

For Friedberg and others, the charge of blood libel is nothing more than “an anti-Semitic myth that pervaded Europe throughout the Middle Ages.” Wikipedia calls it“an anti-Semitic canard.” Unfortunately for Friedberg and other Jews, this “myth” has a large basis in fact. The earliest reports of Jewish human sacrifice date to 300 BC, and the use of body parts was cited in the first century BC by Apollonius Molon and Posidonius, and mentioned again circa 0 AD by figures such as Damocritus and Apion.[10] More specifically, the blood libel charge, which emerged in popular form in the twelfth century in Europe, has an extensive factual basis, as documented in the now-infamous 2007 book by Israeli scholar Ariel Toaff, Passovers of Blood (details here). Jews have in fact historically valued and used human blood, preferably of children, for its alleged magical healing powers. The killing of Christians actually served a double benefit, also acting as a kind of revenge against the Gentiles for the prior killing of Jews throughout history. As Toaff demonstrates, trafficking in human blood was undoubtedly true in the Middle Ages, and given its grounding in basic Jewish theology and psychology, may well still be the case today. There may in fact be certain present-day groups of orthodox Jews who still find ways to capture and kill Gentile children, perhaps even by crucifixion, to attain both symbolic vengeance and the “potent” youthful blood. Needless to say, this situation, if proven, would have huge implications for current Jewish-Gentile relations.

In its latest QAnon form, the historically-grounded blood trafficking by Jews has turned into a bizarre variant based on a substance called ‘adrenochrome.’ This compound, with chemical formula C 99NO 3, results from an oxidation reaction of the hormone adrenaline—according to that indubitable source, Wikipedia. For a period of time in the past, adrenochrome was studied in connection with schizophrenia, either as a cause or treatment, but no clear outcomes resulted. According to some researchers, in concentration it is both cardiotoxic and neurotoxic. But in the mass media version of QAnon, it is now an essential part of the conspiracy. The Satan-worshipping elites now not only kidnap children and youth to have sex with them, they then kill them for the adrenochrome in their blood; this is the “cannibalistic” aspect of the conspiracy. The adrenochrome is said to be the key element of the blood, something that provides either a chemical ‘high,’ youth-restoration, or both. Based on my initial research, however, neither adrenochrome nor any substance in the blood does anything of the sort.

Medically speaking, blood transfusions are quite common, but they provide no fountain of youth, produce no ‘high’ of any kind, and in fact carry significant risks. Transfusions are useful for anyone who has lost a lot of blood through accident, surgery, or other illness. They can help people with specific diseases, like anemia, hemophilia, sickle cell, and certain cancers. But for ordinary people, a transfusion does virtually nothing for one’s health, and invites risks of blood diseases and immune system reactions. People have nothing in general to gain from injecting, or consuming, human blood from any source, even children. Blood-trafficking Jews acted, and still act, on the basis of tradition and superstition, nothing more.

But consider this: If you wanted to discredit both the “anti-Semitic” QAnon and the (true) blood libel charges against Jews, you could do little better than to inject an entirely bogus element into that discussion. First, under a fake name, you portray yourself as a Q-fanatic, and then you make up nonsense about a real blood-based substance like adrenochrome. And then, under a different name—perhaps your real name—you attack the very forums that you just posted on, as being “insane,” “irrational,” “batshit crazy,” and so on. It’s a nifty trolling trick, surely indispensable to many Jewish journalists and Internet activists.

Furthermore, it would seem to be significant that Q himself has never, in some 5,000 drops, explicitly mentioned adrenochrome, blood libel, or anything of the sort.[11] The whole topic, to the extent that it is real, was introduced by outsiders, likely as a discrediting tactic.

Not only is it not mentioned by Q, but as Friedberg points out, “adrenochrome harvesting isn’t outwardly blamed on Jews” at all. In fact, the word ‘Jew’ virtually never appears in any Q drops. So how can Q, and by extension the QAnon followers, be considered anti-Semitic?

It seems that Q, being an unrepentant cypher, prefers to list specific Jews by name, and then leave it to the “anti-Semitic” reader to make the obvious generalization. Or at least, that’s what our faithful journalists would have us believe. Among the many Q drops, one finds several references to such Jews as George Soros (approx. 36), Jeffrey Epstein (54), Anthony Weiner (18), and “the Rothschilds” (21). This may seem like a lot, but it represents a small fraction (less than 2%) of the total drops. Furthermore, references to these individuals are typically situation-specific, without any obvious extension to other or all Jews. Other potentially suggestive references seem largely absent. Such words as ‘cabal’ appeared a few times in 2018, but not since then. Words like ‘ruling’ and ‘elite’ are almost nonexistent in the relevant contexts. Q’s alleged anti-Semitism consists of little more than criticizing a few Jews by name, but without even identifying them as such.

Still, it begs certain questions about the Jewish role in sexual abuse and child molestation, and in their dominant standing in elite Western society. It is truly remarkable to consider, for example, the number of prominent Jews who, in the past few years, were caught up various sexual assault or harassment scandals. In addition to above-mentioned Epstein and Weiner, we have Epstein’s co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, Les Moonves, Andrew Lack, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Alan Dershowitz, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (currently on his fourth wife), Ari Shavit, and Steven M. Cohen, to name but a few. As disproportionate as they are in elite circles, Jews are also disproportionate in the realm of reprehensible crimes against women and youth.

And what about the “world-ruling elite” that QAnon-ers are supposedly so obsessed about? Again, we find little from Q himself. Words like ‘elite’ and ‘rulers’ appear rarely in the drops, and when they do, it is typically as part of a biblical passage. Surely Q knows, however, that Jews hold massively disproportionate power throughout the West, and therefore throughout the world. This sad story is widely known by now, but a short recap is in order. Jewish control over Hollywood is so banal as to be a trivial observation. Jewish money dominates American government, to the point that at least 25% of conservative money and 50% of liberal money comes from Jews.[12]American Jews own or control up to half of the private wealth in the US, potentially amounting to some $50 trillion. This is why they exercise such considerable influence in American government and media. A similar situation holds in the UKFranceCanadaAustralia, and in Russia’s oligarchy.

Here, then, is another bit of truth behind the QAnon hysteria. Prominent Jews, in the guise of “Soros” and “the Rothschilds,” really do run the show, to an astonishingly large degree. If innocent Q readers start to search on these and other Jewish names, they will surely come across some rather nasty factual data that our Jewish elite would rather not have them know. Since they can no longer stifle or censor the movement, the elite’s second-best strategy is to slander it like mad. Thus we see headlines like the recent “QAnon is a Nazi cult, rebranded.” Here is the leading paragraph of that story:

A secret cabal is taking over the world. They kidnap children, slaughter, and eat them to gain power from their blood. They control high positions in government, banks, international finance, the news media, and the church. They want to disarm the police. They promote homosexuality and pedophilia. They plan to mongrelize the white race so it will lose its essential power.

Elements of truth: Yes, there is a “cabal” of wealthy Jews who have obscene levels of power in the West, and via the American superpower, functionally have “taken over the world.” They certainly have in the past, and may well continue to, kidnap Gentile youths, exploit and abuse them sexually, and in certain cases, kill them and extract their blood for psychotic Judaic religious ceremonies, for purposes of anti-Gentile hatred and revenge, or for utterly unscientific health reasons. They do in fact control high positions throughout America and much of the West. Liberal Jews are in fact leading the charge to “defund the police,” to promote LGBTQ rights, and to provide so-called “open door” immigration policies in the US and Europe—with a net effect, if not intent, of racially diluting and debasing every traditionally White nation on Earth.

QAnon Meets the Holocaust

The article cited above also informs us of the growing global nature of the movement. QAnon, we read, “has now spread to neo-Nazis in Germany.” Of particular concern to our media elite is a small, decades-old, right-wing group known as Reichsbürger(“Reich citizens”), who have joined in the Q party and adopted some of its themes. In a recent report from CNN, we read that “Reichsburger followers deny the Holocaust happened” and traffic in other “anti-Semitic tropes.” More generally, online journal writes that “QAnon attaches itself to a variety of issues, such as anti-mask protests, child trafficking conspiracies, and Holocaust denial…”

Unfortunately for our all-knowing media, we find here another element of truth: It turns out that the evil “Holocaust deniers” are on to something, that the traditional Holocaust story is riddled with holes, falsehoods, and logical inconsistencies, and that all reasonable arguments point to a Jewish death toll substantially less than 6 million.[13] Should our intrepid QAnon-ers stumble upon this truth, they are in for another eye-opener, one of monumental importance.

Trump, the Savior

But not to worry, because Trump will save the day! This is the final piece of the picture. As it happens, Q rarely mentions Trump by name, much preferring that silly but long-established acronym “POTUS” (“president of the US”) instead. It is clear that Q is on Trump’s side, and supports him against the “Democratic party corruption” embodied in Obama, Clinton, and now Biden. A typical (and typically cryptic) recent drop is this one:

Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion? Protect truth re: Hillary/DNC Russia collusion? Why was POTUS impeached re: Ukraine? Protect truth re: Biden/[CLAS 1-99] Ukraine collusion? Blame ‘opponent’ for what they themselves are guilty of? [DNC media push echo submitted ‘talking points’ generate false narrative]. Q (drop #4872, 15 Oct 2020)

But the “mass arrests” story—the Storm—is almost nonexistent in the past two years. One has to go back to late 2018 to find such suggestive posts as this: “Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history? Q” (drop #2344, 4 Oct 2018). But again, here we are, two years later, and no mass arrests of anyone.

So this begs another important question: What is Trump actually doing against the cabal that is behind Democratic corruption, sexual abuse, and human trafficking? The answer is: almost nothing. Trump has shown little appetite for confronting and dismantling the Judeocracy that runs our country; and worse, he has positively supported it. We all know about his daughter Ivanka, who married the orthodox Jew Jared Kushner, converted to Judaism, and had three children with him.[14] Trump has always had a large number of Jewish friends, colleagues, and confidantes. As I wrotea year ago, these include such prominent donors as:

Lew Eisenberg, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, Mel Sembler, Ron Weiser, Steve Wynn, Elliott Brody, Laurie Perlmutter, and Carl Icahn, not to mention Bernie Marcus. Then we have his many Jewish personal and professional associates, who include, among others, Avi Berkowitz, Michael Cohen, Gary Cohn, Reed Cordish, Boris Epshteyn, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt, Larry Kudlow, Stephen Miller, Steven Mnuchin, Jay Sekulow, David Shulkin, and Allen Weisselberg. All those Trump-defenders out there in America should be dismayed at his vast linkage to the people of Israel.

In terms of policy, Trump placated hardline Jews by withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem in 2018. He also recognized Israel’s claim of sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and his “peace process” has been consistently on the side of Israel. He has defended Israel in the UN, and has done nothing to cut foreign aid—some $5 to 6 billion per year—to that country.[15]

Where, then, is the Storm? It’s certainly not against the real power structure, the real “swamp,” that is pulling the strings in Washington. Against them, he’s doing nothing. Worse, he seemingly panders to them at nearly every occasion. Once in a while Trump throws a small bone to White nationalists and the dissident right, but he quickly retracts or denies his statements. It’s just a tease. Trump is fully in bed with the Hebrew wirepullers, and he knows it. He has no intention of doing otherwise. It’s simply too much in his own personal interest to continue pandering to them.

Q likes to make predictions. Here’s one of mine: No Storm, no mass arrests, no reining in of the Jewish Lobby—even if Trump loses the election. And until this happens, no meaningful change in Washington, period.


And so, in the final run-up to the election, media bashing of QAnon goes on. The group constitutes the “ultimate conspiracy theory,” according to Foreign Policy. QAnon-ers have “attempted political violence,” and are linked to “apparent acts of domestic terrorism,” they state with due qualifications. The group is the ideological successor to “dark ideas like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” again bringing in the anti-Semitic angle.[16] Indeed, “apocalyptic vibes radiate through all of Q’s messages” they say, without the slightest bit of exaggeration. In sum, Q’s many drops comprise “a constellation of bullshit.”

In just the past few weeks, CNN repeated the emphasis on the Protocols, attributed to the group the idea that “the coronavirus is a hoax,” and associated Q-ers in Germany with the neo-Nazis. Perhaps most surprisingly, this nominal news organization is now taking unilateral, proactive measures to stifle QAnon. As they admit, “CNN recently sent Facebook details of dozens of groups and pages that embraced QAnon conspiracy theories. Facebook said it would investigate them and had begun removing some pages.” This is a remarkable admission; Jeff Zucker at CNN is collaborating with Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook to suppress a global free-speech movement that they jointly dislike. The global elite strike again.

As we count down the final few days until the election, anti-Q stories appear almost daily. So we see headlines like “How QAnon uses satanic rhetoric to set up a narrative of ‘good vs. evil’.” NPR airs a story attacking the “QAnon candidate” Marjorie Greene. The New York Times informs us that TikTok is cracking down on “QAnon and hate speech”—as if they two were synonymous. They also explain how Republican voters took QAnon mainstream. And the Washington Post, ever helpful, warns us that QAnon is “tearing families apart.”

No matter who wins the upcoming election, some elements of truth are guaranteed to emerge. The country may be worse off, but truth will take a small step forward. And more people than ever will begin to understand exactly how the US, and the world, truly operate today.

Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books, including a new translation series of Mein Kampf, and the book Debating the Holocaust (4th ed, 2020). For all his works, see his personal website


[1] Circa 400 BC, as quoted by Leibniz in his Monadology (sec. 61).

[2] Town Hall meeting hosted by NBC, 15 October 2020.

[3] See the writings of Hecateus of Abdera, in my book Eternal Strangers (details here).

[4] The full domain name is An imageboard is an online forum based on short postings of images and accompanying text. Most of the posters are anonymous.

[5] There are technical questions about the identity of Q over time—in other words, it is an open question if the Q posting today is the same man (or woman, or group) who posted back in 2017. Imageboard posters have a unique identifier code—a “tripcode”—that proves that the poster is the same source over time. But Q’s tripcode (currently it is this string: !!Hs1Jq13jV6) has changed at least three times over the past three years. It is strictly an article of faith that it was the same person all along. For sake of simplicity, I will assume that Q is the same individual, an unidentified male, who has been posting from the start. But nothing much turns on this assumption. I furthermore note that, of the many online articles I have reviewed, none has given the details of where to find the Q drops—almost as if they didn’t really want the reader to find out for himself. This in itself is revealing.

[6] For example, “Prepare for the storm” (drop #3880, 20 Feb 2020), or “You didn’t think the statement by POTUS re: ‘CALM BEFORE THE STORM’ was just random did you?” (#4011, 30 Apr 2020).

[7] Zuckerberg recently decided to ban “Holocaust denial” sites from Facebook.

[8] There seem to be only a handful of drops referring to John Jr., and just one old post mentioning Tom Hanks.

[9] “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

[10] For further accounts by these and other individuals, see again my Eternal Strangers (here).

[11] It is always difficult to say for certain, however, what exactly Q means by his various hints and clues. References to “human trafficking / sacrifices” (drop #586, 22 Jan 2018) and “ability to harvest” (#2319, 3 Oct 2018) are occasionally cited as references to adrenochrome, but these are too obscure and indirect to be meaningful.

[12] See also here.

[13] For a concise account of this story, see my book The Holocaust: An Introduction(here). For the full version, see my Debating the Holocaust (here).

[14] Ivanka seems to really have a “thing” for Jews. According to Wikipedia, she dated at least two Jews prior to Kushner: investment banker Greg Hersch, and “documentary producer and playboy” James (“Bingo”) Gubelmann. For someone allegedly raised Presbyterian, this is remarkable. It suggests some natural affinity to Jews, perhaps through some unknown Jewish family connection.

[15] Yes, he did recently support the Catholic jurist Amy Coney Barrett to replace the Jewess Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, but this is a minor concession to American Christians.

[16] ”Notably, QAnon builds heavily on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the world’s most enduring conspiracy theories.”