Friday, October 23, 2020

Virus That Isn’t There, Genetic Sequencing, and the Magic Trick - By Jon Rappoport

“That pretense is the key. It’s like selling a sucker a map leading to a lost silver mine. There was never a map. The con artist cobbled it together from pieces of other old maps of a territory in the mountains of Colorado. The map looks real. It looks whole. But it was never whole.”

“THE GENETIC SEQUENCE OF THE VIRUS is that map. It’s made to look like a one long code that was there all along. But it wasn’t. It isn’t.”

“Every good magic trick works this way. The magician makes the audience believe he is performing one smooth operation. But he isn’t. He’s taking all sorts of detours. He’s reaching into his sleeve and pulling out a card. He’s palming that card so no one sees it. He’s slipping the card into the deck in his other hand. And all the while, he’s talking confidently and making other gestures to distract the audience.”


“The whole purpose of the trick is to inspire awe. In the lab, the same principle applies. The researchers SEEM to find one long genetic sequence of the whole virus. Astonishing.”

“But that’s not what happened. Not by a long shot.”

Read it all: