Monday, January 4, 2021

A Time for New Beginnings and Ending That Which Must End – The Burning Platform

 (Since my internet provider explained that the Nashville bombing affected our service and is part of this article, I posted it in DaLimbraw Library. You might even want to read it! - CL)

(The following is just an excerpt - read the whole thing.)

On the alternative internet, there were a few opposing theories regarding the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville. One was that The Borg used an energy weapon from outer space to destroy the AT & T network hub in order to cover up Dominion software fraud in Georgia during the 2020 Presidential Election. The other theory was that Team Trump’s Space Force utilized outer space weaponry to prevent Dominion software fraud in the forthcoming Georgia senate run-off races.

Personally, given the seemingly ready-made RV-bombing narrative that ensued in the Orwellian Media, I would be less surprised if it turned out the Nashville network hub was destroyed by The Borg. Or perhaps it was a lone ranger taking matters into his own hands after all. Honestly, can anyone truly know what is exactly happening at any given time? Certainly not this American Nobody; hence the speculation.

But, be assured of this: If team Biden and Harris prevail and are crowned king and queen of The Swamp, The Borg will be coming for your guns faster than Chuck Schumer and Beto O’Rourke racing towards an MSNBC reporter in the wake of a mass shooting event. And, when that happens, in the words of a commenter on my blog: “if you feel the need to bury your firearms it might be getting close to time to use them.”

In the meantime, the average middle-American moonbat has no clue the election was stolen. They honestly believe Biden pulled off the victory in the urban enclaves and that the nation was saved by woke city dwellers in the select counties of a few contested states. And the propaganda spewed by the Orwellian Media provides the plausible deniability necessary for the nation’s court system and body politic to sell the charade of a “legitimate” presidential election.

Plausible deniability, or, rather, plausible liability, is also how cities, counties, and states have been pressured to lock down under the guise of Covid – even without “mandatory enforcement” in some red (conservative) counties and states. Truly, false premises and plausible deniability go together like lies and fear, tyranny and privation, in warped realities and dystopian societies.

Full text at: