Saturday, April 24, 2021

Northern hemisphere snow cover trending upward since 1967 - Ice Age Now

 This is according to data from the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab


Evidence that climate change is caused by man is neither convincing nor compelling

“Historical climate change might be real, but the evidence presented to date, in an attempt to prove that any recent imagined climate change is caused by man, is neither convincing nor compelling,” says reader David Wozney. “No one has yet proven that man-made carbon dioxide emissions cause any supposed global warming or alleged climate change.”

Winter Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent – Rutgers University Global Snow Lab

“Much key claimed “data”, used to claim supposed global warming or alleged climate change, has not been, and does not become, personally verified and confirmed by people who are independent of certain governments which have a certain political and financial agenda. For example, the authenticity of most Arctic “data”, unlike some data from lower latitudes, is not verified and confirmed by people independent of governments.”

Snow cover trending upward

“However, snow cover maps or data in the coldest months, at lower latitudes, can be at least somewhat partially verified and confirmed independently of governments. Snow cover data in the coldest months shows a trend since 1967 of increasing extent of yearly maximum snow cover in the northern hemisphere. Snow cover extent, at lower latitudes, in the months of DecemberJanuary, and February can be somewhat partially verified and confirmed by large numbers of people independent of governments.”

“Science involves the need for independent verification and independent confirmation of empirical data, observations, measurements, etc.”

Snow Cover (

Thanks to David Wozney for these links