Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A remote possibility? – The Occidental Observer

(For most folks - delusion is more acceptable than reality.........CL)

So let’s unpack what we have here. A tiny unrepresentative non-Russian ‘elite’ seized power and subsequently slaughtered tens of millions of Russians by way of the bullet, starvation or by working them to death. They achieved this by seizing total control of media, banking, education and key industries; by demonising the culture and religion of the host people; by rewriting history and pursuing their goals with absolute ruthlessness against a demoralised people.

And of course seizing privately held guns.

Ring any bells? 


How realistic is the fear that American Whites could in due course face the kind of existential crisis now faced by South Africa’s Whites? While useful for rousing the troops so to speak most normies would consider the idea to be preposterous. After all, Whites still represent a clear (though rapidly declining) majority of America’s population, while the South African equivalent is less than 8%. ‘Whites’ own and control everything, not least 90% of the guns.

Let’s hope the normies are right. But the experience of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 20th century offers food for thought. Because the Bolshevik Revolution saw a minuscule largely non-Russian minority seize absolute power, a power with which they then deployed to horrific effect on the native Russians. Tens of millions were slaughtered, while many more disappeared into the gulags, never to return or else to return broken in body and spirit. Russian historian Dmitri Volkogonov, head of a special Russian parliamentary commission, recently concluded that “from 1929 to 1952, 21.5 million [Soviet] people were repressed. Of these a third were shot, the rest sentenced to imprisonment, where many also died.” That unfortunate country, which historically has endured more than its share of misery, never experienced anything like it before or since.

Only a very small proportion of the Bolsheviks were ethnic Russians. As Putin himself acknowedged before a Jewish audience (who I can imagine shifting uneasily as he spoke), about 85% of the leading Bolsheviks were Jews though Jews represented a mere 2% of the overall population. Many of the remainder were ethnic Georgians, Armenians, Poles or Balts. (I’m including Ukrainians as Russians). Yet they seized power and unleashed a terrible vengeance on the Russian people.

And be in no doubt that while much of the terror and slaughter was motivated by the drive for power, much was also driven by a visceral hatred of the traditional Christian Russian people. No less an authority than Alexander Solzhenitzyn confirmed this in a quotation that you’ve probably read before now. “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

According to Jewish historian Arkidil Zeltser “The phenomenon of Jews in top positions reached its peak under Yagoda and Yezhov…Of the ten deputy commissars between July 1934 and September 1938, five were of Jewish origin. Jews occupied significant positions in the state security leadership. From December 1936 to April 1937, Agranov was head of the GUGB. Until the March 1938 reorganization of state security, all three heads of the Department of Government Security were Jews, as were the three heads of the Counter-intelligence department, three of the four heads of the Secret-political Department, two of the three heads of the Special Department (OO), and one of the two heads of the Foreign Department. A Jew also headed the top-secret “special group” of the NKVD secretariat, which answered directly to the people’s commissar and was responsible for sabotage behind enemy lines in the event of war. During this period both heads of the GULAG were Jews, as was the head of police…Particularly significant was the number of Jews in top positions in the State Security Administration itself: Jews occupied six of the 13 posts.” Churchill noted that in many cases whereas a Russian might be the nominal head of an agency the real power was exercised by a Jewish eminence grise behind the curtain. (“Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff”)

Far from championing the interests of Russian workers, Lenin himself, who was quarter Jewish and spoke Yiddish growing up at home, admitted that he wanted ‘a nation of white niggers’. So how did this tiny and unrepresentative minority do it? How did they seize control of the mighty Russian Empire? Whole forests have been levelled in the attempt to explain this phenomenon and I have no particular expertise in this area. But from the perspective of this post the point is that they did it. What I can say is that they brilliantly mastered propaganda and controlled all forms of media from the very beginning. They were utterly ruthless. The Cheka hunted down and arrested anyone who was suspected of hostility towards the Bolsheviks. By the end of the Civil War, they had executed over 100,000 political opponents.

The Bolsheviks also placed major and immediate emphasis on destroying traditional Russian culture, in particular Orthodox Christianity. Anti-Semitism became a capital offence. “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” Their military victory over the White Russian army was remarkable given the latter’s overwhelming advantage in terms of weaponry and trained military leaders and the fact that initially they had the Bolsheviks surrounded. But their leaders consistently squabbled among themselves and acted too late to prevent the Reds seizing control of industry, railways and the banks. Bear in mind also that the Bolsheviks had a huge ‘fifth column’ of ordinary Russians acting as their foot soldiers. Whatever their motivations – true believers in Communism, fear, opportunism – they were absolutely essential to the Communist takeover.

And then of course there were the privately held guns. The Russians loved their guns. Everybody had one, even well-heeled ladies. “The Bolshevik Revolution put an end to the free circulation of guns among the general public. The leaders of the uprising knew only too well what the masses were capable of, especially if armed up to the teeth, and moved to monopolize gun ownership. In 1918 the Bolsheviks initiated a large scale confiscation of civilian firearms, outlawing their possession and threatening up to 10 years in prison for concealing a gun. The only exception was made for hunters who were allowed to possess smoothbore weapons. Gun licenses, however, were strictly regulated and only issued by the NKVD. It was only a matter of time before Russia became an almost totally gun-free nation.”

So let’s unpack what we have here. A tiny unrepresentative non-Russian ‘elite’ seized power and subsequently slaughtered tens of millions of Russians by way of the bullet, starvation or by working them to death. They achieved this by seizing total control of media, banking, education and key industries; by demonising the culture and religion of the host people; by rewriting history and pursuing their goals with absolute ruthlessness against a demoralised people.

And of course seizing privately held guns.

Ring any bells?

In fact White Americans are in a much weaker position today than were Russians back then. After all where non-ethnic Russians represented a tiny proportion of the overall population non-Whites will become a majority in America within a few decades, if not earlier. And the enemies of traditional Americans already have near full-spectrum control of banking, media, entertainment, Big Tech and ‘education’. Gun-owners and the de facto repeal of the Second Amendment are very much in their sights. Vast numbers of Whites have bought into the anti-White agenda, willingly exposing themselves to their own destruction. What’s worse they have no idea of their enemies’ malevolence towards them. Unlike the Bolsheviks who faced strong opposition from neighbouring states and powerful countries like Britain and the United States, the anti-White agenda today enjoys widespread international support. America’s ‘justice’ system increasingly resembles that of a Third World country, the Constitution abandoned, the courts hijacked, non-Whites replacing Whites are every level of law enforcement, Soros-funded District Attorneys waging open warfare on the host population. Patriotic Americans have been ruthlessly purged from the military and the ‘security’ agencies such as the FBI, CIA and NSA. Even the most pathetic attempt at White resistance (Charlottsville, the Capitol Hill ‘insurrection’) is brutally suppressed. Donald Trump, the closest thing Whites have as a leader, is a hopelessly compromised Israeli lapdog with Kushner’s hand up his ass at all times.

Sooooo… the possibility that remote? Note that a South African commentator reminded us on this blog a few days ago that the country’s Whites never in their wildest imaginations believed that their circumstances could deteriorate so far and so fast.

Reposted from, with permission.