Sunday, August 22, 2021

Covid - when reconciling the data becomes irreconcilable - OBFUSCATE! DaBigQuestion - Why is there a DEARTH of studies in US? Take a guess!

There are 4 reports here, so notice the variances of statements based on actual data and/or studies and those based on little or none:

#1 - And that’s pretty much what we’re seeing in the international data. Although most of the deaths are of the vaccinated, indicating ADE, there just aren’t very many of them due to the lower lethality of the Delta variant.

#2 - Contra the attempts of the media to invert statistical reality, 95.87 percent of the people now dying of Covid are vaccinated. Remember, there are no official or reliable statistics recording or reporting this data in the United States, but the same is not true in other countries.

#3 - In Israel 95% of the covid deaths in July were vaccinated individuals.

#4 - Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate.

Though it is evident (from what?) vaccination still provides powerful protection against the virus,

There’s a dearth of scientific studies with concrete answers, leaving public policy makers and corporate executives to formulate plans based on fragmented information.

When you read the full text at #4, it becomes obvious what the authors are stating from actual data vs. blind faith.


Delta Tips the ADE Scales

An article in the Journal of Infection indicates that the Antibody Dependent Enhancement scenario is in effect courtesy of the Delta variant.

Current Covid-19 vaccines (either mRNA or viral vectors) are based on the original Wuhan spike sequence. Inasmuch as neutralizing antibodies overwhelm facilitating antibodies, ADE is not a concern. However, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants may tip the scales in favor of infection enhancement. Our structural and modeling data suggest that it might be indeed the case for Delta variants.

In conclusion, ADE may occur in people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors) and then exposed to a Delta variant. Although this potential risk has been cleverly anticipated before the massive use of Covid-19 vaccines, the ability of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to mediate infection enhancement in vivo has never been formally demonstrated. However, although the results obtained so far have been rather reassuring, to the best of our knowledge ADE of Delta variants has not been specifically assessed. Since our data indicate that Delta variants are especially well-recognized by infection enhancing antibodies targeting the NTD, the possibility of ADE should be further investigated as it may represent a potential risk for mass vaccination during the current Delta variant pandemic.

Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination? August 16, 2021

However, the reader who sent me the study notes: This got through peer review. Case Nighmare Kitty highly unlikely. Delta is not that lethal.

And that’s pretty much what we’re seeing in the international data. Although most of the deaths are of the vaccinated, indicating ADE, there just aren’t very many of them due to the lower lethality of the Delta variant. 


The Vaccinated are Dying

Contra the attempts of the media to invert statistical reality, 95.87 percent of the people now dying of Covid are vaccinated. Remember, there are no official or reliable statistics recording or reporting this data in the United States, but the same is not true in other countries.

In Israel, the most-vaccinated country in the world, where the third shot is already being given, 232 of the 242 people who died of Covid in July and August were vaccinated. So pay zero attention to the scare stories, or the ludicrous reports that 90 percent of the people dying of Covid are unvaccinated.

It’s not a question of not trusting the US statistics because there are no comprehensive US statistics. It’s literally a comparison between the monthly reports published by a centralized Ministry of Health and hearsay from biased and unreliable anecdotal sources.

The corrupt doctors in the USA are flat-out lying with their “estimates” about the percentage of unvaccinated among the hospitalized. Just to put this on the record for future reference:

The T cells generated by the vaccines are holding up amazingly well, with 99% of the hospitalizations being among unvaccinated adults in the US,” Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease physician at UCSF, wrote in a tweet Wednesday. Estimates for the percent of unvaccinated people accounting for COVID-19 hospitalizations vary, but generally fall between 95% and 99%.” 


In Israel 95% of the covid deaths in July were vaccinated individuals.

Same result this month as well.


The Vaccinated Are Worried and Scientists Don’t Have Answers

Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others. 

Though it is evident vaccination still provides powerful protection against the virus, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.

There’s a dearth of scientific studies with concrete answers, leaving public policy makers and corporate executives to formulate plans based on fragmented information. While some are renewing mask mandates or delaying office reopenings, others cite the lack of clarity to justify staying the course. It can all feel like a mess.

Read it all: