Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Evil Empire - EXPOSED!

First, a confession – when I started this website and archive/library co-venture 6 years ago – I had no idea where it would lead. But this is where we are now.

An Awfully Convenient Ruse for an Inconvenient Truth By J.B. Shurk

A brief history as an introduction to our present situation and from which many are still in denial – both rulers and the ruled!

Who profits from the Kabul suicide bombing?, by Pepe Escobar - The Unz Review

Hold that question.

‘Killing for the Sake of Killing’ - (Target practice by the Evil Empire? - CL)

Disillusioned US drone pilots leak footage of air strikes against unarmed Afghans, media says

Is the Defeat in Afghanistan Aimed at Embarrassing Russia and China? By Thierry Meyssan (Hint: It was a setup! - CL)

The mainstream media are divided between two ways of interpreting the fall of Kabul. For some, the Democrats are cowards and the departure from Afghanistan discourages the allies. For others, they have played well and placed a thorn in the side of the Russians and the Chinese. These two views correspond to the traditional paradigm of the American Empire. But for Thierry Meyssan, Washington is, since September 11, 2001, in the hands of the followers of the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine. The United States is now behaving like a racketeer. The chaos will continue in Afghanistan for a long time. Russian, Chinese and European companies who wish to do so will be able to mine in Afghanistan, but only if they entrust their security to the US forces. Those who refuse this protection will be eliminated.


Yes, the “endless war” declared by President George W. Bush is not about “fighting terrorism”, but about using terrorism to “destabilise” an entire region. This was the title of Colonel Peters’ article in 2001: “Stability: America’s enemy”.


Understand, Washington no longer thinks like a rival of the Roman Empire, but like a racketeer. It does not build triumphal arches to its glory anywhere and even accepts that its president, Joe Biden, is defeated in Afghanistan. He seeks to dominate the world in the shadows and to make as much money as possible.

Pediatric Offices and Elementary Schools — the Temples Where American Children Were Sacrificed to Molech By Allan Stevo

 The Valley of the Son of Hinnom — a deep narrow valley south of Jerusalem that Israel used as a garbage dump. Parents there sacrificed their children as burnt offering to Molech (2 Kings 23:10). Jeremiah prophesied Yahweh’s judgement against those who practiced this abominable practice. According to the “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia” under Molech: “The place where it was practiced from the days of Ahaz and Manasseh was the Valley of Hinnom where Topheth stood, a huge altar-pyre for the burning of the sacrificial victims…The victims offered to the divinity were not burnt alive, but were killed as sacrifices, and then presented as burnt offerings.”

  • A footnote to Jeremiah 32:35 

One day the story will be told that the American empire, as it crumbled, was taken by a very powerful religious cult ………

mRNA Vaccines: The Silent Weapon By Dr. Igor Shepherd

This is why it is important to understand that under this treaty gene-splicing and DNA manipulation used in the recent CRISPR technology and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines is illegal. All mRNA vaccine makers are in violation of this Biological Weapons Treaty, and getting away with it, thus allowing bioweapon development and production to move forward at the pace of a high-speed rail.

mRNA Technology is Not New……

Because the masses have accepted vaccinations as preventive medicine for decades, most would reject the possibility that a vaccine could be used as a bioweapon against them. Nonetheless, strong evidence of a global “coup” is piling up as more and more citizens become alarmed that this pandemic is less about health and safety, and more about the restructuring and destruction of our laws, economy, civil rights, and freedoms—everything that occurs during an enemy takeover, and not during a pandemic. And with no enforced treaty to protect civilians against biological weapons of mass destruction, silent warfare against all of humanity becomes today’s reality.

Oh yes and BTW - COVID vaccines were designed to fail; that’s how they won authorization « Jon Rappoport's Blog

Further reading:

Does Evil Exist? And why does God not stop it, if it does?

As Thierry Meyssan concludes in his article above: “You think I’m imagining a doomsday scenario? Then tell me where the flaw is in my argument!”