Thursday, October 7, 2021

This is Anti-Vaxxism - Vox Popoli - (Is this another job Americans won't do?)

Rural Guatamalans show the rest of the world how it’s done:

Vaccine opposers in a Guatemalan village captured two medical teams that arrived with C0VID-19 vaccines. The wheels were lowered to cars, the exit road was blocked, refrigerators with vaccines were destroyed, and doctors were locked up and threatened to burn.

It’s a sad day in American history when Guatamalan villagers demonstrate that they are much more willing to stand up for their health, freedom, and human rights than anyone in the USA. Meanwhile, in Canada, the Vaxx Preacher-in-Chief is publicly demonstrating why the Guatamalan response is the correct one:

Fauci boldly told Canadians who oppose vaccine mandates that they have “no right to make their own decision about what goes into their body” during the presentation, which outlined how the world continues to battle with the Covid pandemic. He said: “there comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision.”

That hissing sound you hear is the West’s ownership of the rhetorical high ground deflating like a balloon with a hole snipped out of it. A cartoonishly dystopian future when scientists, doctors, and pharmacists are hunted down like rabid dogs by vengeful victims and angry parents suddenly appears to considerably more probable than even a pessimist would have ever imagined just one year ago.