Saturday, May 14, 2022

Why Washington Wants WWIII - Vox Popoli

 It’s not just the neocons and their Russian revenge fetish. It’s also because the leading globalists in the USA, along with their funding masters in Big Pharma, have been caught red-handed doing some extremely bad things in Ukraine.

The provisional results of evidence being collected about the work of U.S. bioweapons in Ukraine are simply astonishing. These are the main takeaways.

1. U.S. bioweapon ideologues comprise the leadership of the Democratic Party. By linking with non-governmental biotechnology organizations, using the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros and Biden, they profited from additional campaign financing – all duly concealed. In parallel, they assembled the legislative basis for financing the bioweapons program directly from the federal budget.
2. COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna, as well as Merck and Gilead – of Donald “known unknowns” fame, and affiliated with the Pentagon – were directly involved.
3. U.S. specialists tested new drugs in the Ukraine biolabs in circumvention of international safety standards. According to Kirillov, acting this way “Western companies seriously reduce the costs of research programs and gain significant competitive advantages.”
4. According to Kirillov, “along with U.S. pharmaceutical companies and Pentagon contractors, Ukrainian government agencies are involved in military biotechnology activities, whose main tasks are to conceal illegal activities, conduct field and clinical trials and provide the necessary biomaterial.”
5. The Pentagon, Kirillov pointed out, expanded its research potential not only in terms of producing biological weapons, but also gathering information on antibiotic resistance and the presence of antibodies to certain diseases among the population in specific regions. The testing ground in Ukraine was practically outside the control of the so-called “international community”.

These findings, amply documented, suggest a vast “legitimized” bioweapon racket reaching the highest levels of the American body politic. There’s no doubt the Russians plan to thoroughly unmask it for the benefit of world public opinion, starting with a War Crimes Tribunal to be set up this summer, most probably in Donetsk.

An ongoing U.S. bioweapons program in Ukraine was one of the Top Three reasons that led to the launch of Operation Z, side by side with preventing an imminent NATO-managed blitzkrieg against Donbass and Kiev’s desire to re-start a nuclear weapons program.

The Russians cannot back down, not with NATO now threatening to expand to the Russo-Finnish border. The Europeans could back down, but they are occupied satrapies with political classes controlled by Washington, and their popular attempts to revolt against that control have been suppressed. And the USA will not back down as long as the guilty parties possess the levers of power in Washington.

WWIII is not inevitable, but it is increasingly likely now due to the conflicting interests of those who possess the ability to start it. The X factor is China; only China has the power to break Washington’s hold over Europe now. (Theoretically, the American people could as well, but they won’t, because they are too fat, stupid, and oblivious to recognize either their own national interests or the danger to themselves.) The problem here is that it is in China’s interest to wait and let the Imperial USA commit itself to war with Russia before opening a second global front.

And the Russians clearly know this. They don’t want to fight WWIII, but they absolutely will if that’s the price of protecting their nation, as demonstrated by the recent warning by Defence committee deputy chair Aleksey Zhuravlyov.

He claimed Finland is being provoked into joining NATO by the US and Britain.

‘The Finns have nothing to share with us. They receive more than 90 per cent gas, timber and much more from us. ‘Who needs fighting first of all? The Finns? They are not afraid that Russia is attacking them. ‘Of course, sooner or later the Americans will force them to do so. Just as they forced Ukraine to do it, they are trying to force Poland and Romania. And, as practice shows, they succeed.

‘It is impossible to say that Finland will join NATO and behave towards us as before – this will not happen. The Americans will incite them to provocations.

‘We endure for a long time. But this cannot go on forever.’

Reflecting a view among hardliners around Vladimir Putin he said: ‘The United States will do everything possible to make World War III happen. Just not on their territory. They will try not to lead to nuclear strikes, but they will try to draw the whole of Europe into a conflict with Russia, inflame the situation in Asia, [and] set fire to as many countries as possible.’

At some point, Russia is going to stop issuing warnings and will actually take action against the responsible parties instead of the proxies. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is successfully characterizing these very serious warnings as “wild threats” that are being hurled about for no reason at all, so the US and European publics consider them to be on the cartoonish level of Baghdad Bob babbling about “the mother of all battles”.