Friday, February 10, 2023

Where's the Grit? - Vox Popoli

 Boomer executives are bewildered by the younger generations’ unwillingness to continue accepting constant abuse by the corpocracy:

Americans are refusing to work weekends and are demanding pay raises en masse – emboldened by empowering self-help videos on TikTok and time spent at home during the pandemic.

The revelations, aired in a recent report by The Wall Street Journal, depict a rapidly changing corporate climate where staffers are more actively drawing a line between their work and personal lives.

With the pandemic serving as a catalyst, staffers at respected firms where extreme hours have been the norm are now demanding increased pay when asked to increase their workloads.

Accounts collected from white-collar workers from all age groups illustrate this waning ambition, as well as staffers’ reordered priorities over the past three years.

Some firms fed-up of staffers’ demands say they’ve begun outsourcing roles to India and Canada as a result, raising the specter of a jobs crisis should the long-predicted recession be a deep one.

As usual, the corpocracy’s reaction is to address a crisis by doubling down. One of the primary reasons employees are unwilling to work any harder than is absolutely necessary is because over the last 30 years, they have learned their employers have zero loyalty to them and will outsource their jobs and hand them to foreigners if the employers can save five cents an hour.

There isn’t a single firm that has “begun” outsourcing jobs to India, Canada, or anywhere else in response to this, because they’ve all been outsourcing for years, if not decades, already. This is perfectly rational behavior that is frankly long overdue. Generation X started the trend by opting out of the traditional career path after seeing how our advancement was blocked by Boomers – I haven’t worked in a corporate office for 32 years – but the Zoomers are taking it to the next level in this as in so many other things.

Remember, corporations are not capitalism. Corporations are state entities that primarily exist to protect the executive class from the consequences of its decisions and live large at the expense of the shareholders and employees, as well as to fence off intellectual property from individuals and the public domain. As such, they are amoral at best and evil on average, which is why anything that reduces their power or legal standing is desirable.