Friday, March 8, 2024

Is This Really News? - Vox Popoli

 BREAKING: The federal government has been illegally surveilling and building profiles for Americans in secret portal called DSAC for those who oppose firearm restrictions, lockdowns & vaccine mandates, and or support border security and are labeling them as domestic extremists.

I’ve lost track of the number of government lists I’m on, and that’s just the US government. Look, all of this stuff is completely illegal, unconstitutional, and proves that the whole thing about “the Land of the Free” is total and absolute nonsense. But it’s not as if we didn’t know this already.

The material surveillance state erected by Clown World is wicked, nefarious, anti-American, and wrong. It needs to be exposed and it needs to be eliminated entirely. Even so, don’t forget that all the men and machinery of the surveillance state is but a pale shadow of the spiritual surveillance that is actively seeking to peck away at your soul every single day. So don’t stress yourself worrying about either the material evil or the spiritual evil. They exist. They have always existed. Do what is right, speak the truth, and fear God only.

And remember, it’s pretty clear that they fear us. Perhaps you should give some thought as to why that might be.