(Israel365News) Couched in a Talmudic twisting of Old Testament prophecy, Jews have revealed their plans for the destruction of Christian America — whom they believe is “Amalek” or “Edom” — the ancient enemies of Israel — by luring America into an unwinnable war against modern ersatz Israel’s greatest existential threat — Iran — a plan that has been in the making for decades:
“On Monday, Houthi rebels fired two anti-ship ballistic missiles from their bases in Yemen into the Red Sea toward merchant vessel Pinocchio, a Singaporean-owned, Liberian-flagged ship. The US navy responded harshly.
“United States Central Command conducted six self-defense strikes destroying an unmanned underwater vessel and 18 anti-ship missiles in Houthi controlled areas of Yemen”, CENTCOM announced.
“It was determined these weapons presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region,” officials said. “These actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels.”
Despite the US navy’s response, the Houthi attacks continued and two drones were shot down by an Italian warship in the Red Sea in what was described as an act of self-defense
On Saturday, Centcom said US and coalition warships had “downed a total of at least 28” drones in what appeared to be a large attempted attack by the Houthis.
On Wednesday, a Houthi attack off the port of Aden killed three crew of the Barbados-flagged, Greek-operated True Confidence. On February 18, a Houthi missile sank the cargo ship Rubymar.
Since the US began its campaign of airstrikes in January, the U.S. military says it has shot down and destroyed more 100 Houthi missiles, according to an Associated Press analysis of its statements.
Claiming to stand with Hamas in its war against Israel, the Houthis have launched attacks against civilian vessels in the Red Sea that have disrupted global shipping, forcing firms to re-route to longer and more expensive journeys around southern Africa. This has stoked fears that the Israel-Hamas war could spread to destabilize the wider Middle East.
During its first weeks in office the Biden administration chose to unconditionally revoke Trump’s decision to classify the Houthis as a terrorist organization but reclassifieed the organization as terrorists in January.
As the Middle East heats up, the US is encountering Yemenite Houthis and other Iranian proxies in hostile encounters.
The US military is even coming close to putting boots on the ground in Gaza as it airdrops humanitarian aid. A US naval vessel is en route, carrying equipment to build a temporary pier off the coast of Gaza.
Hamas has been accused by Israel of violently hijacking trucks carrying humanitarian aid into Gaza, raising the possibility they will be in conflict with US troops distributing food, fuel, and medical equipment to Gaza’s civilians.
Analysts have also noted that Iran is intensifying efforts to expel US forces from northeastern Syria and Iraq by leveraging Hezbollah and various militias. Over 170 missile and drone attacks from October 17 to the end of January targeted coalition bases across northeastern Syria.
After one such attack killed three US servicemen and wounded 25 more, a bipartisan group of Senators called for President Biden to take direct military action against Iran.
The US is finally waking up to the very real threat posed by Iran. Last week, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, publicly released an unclassified version of its yearly report, “Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community,” and senior intelligence officials testified about it before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). The report listed Iran as the third largest threat to US security, after Russia and China, citing decades-long support for proxy groups as a major threat that allows Tehran to assume an aggressive posture “while shielding Iranian leaders from significant consequences.”
This brings to mind a verse in the Book of Jeremiah makes a prophecy that in the end-of-times, the Edom will fight a war against Yemen which it will lose.
“Hear, then, the plan which Hashem has devised against Edom, and what He has purposed against the inhabitants of Teman [Yemen] : Surely the shepherd boys Shall drag them away; Surely the pasture shall be Aghast because of them.” Jeremiah 49:20
The Talmud (Yoma 10a) interprets this verse, explaining that in the future, Rome, descended from Edom/Esau, is destined to fall into the hands of Yemen, as it is stated in this verse by the Prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah describes that this violent encounter will have global repercussions:
At the sound of their downfall The earth shall shake; The sound of screaming Shall be heard at the Sea of Reeds. Jeremiah 49:21
The Talmud then explains that Jeremiah’s prophecy verse was not referring to Teman/Yemen but that the term “the youngest of the flock” was actually referring to Persia, as per a verse in the Book of Daniel:
“The two-horned ram that you saw [signifies] the kings of Media and Persia; (Daniel 8:20)
The Talmud also identifies ”the shepherd boys” as Persia, the descendants of Japheth, the youngest son of Noah. .
The Talmud then draws an a fortiori inference from the two Temples in Jerusalem which implies that Rome will fall to Persia.
“Just as the First Temple, that the descendants of Shem built it and the Chaldeans destroyed it, and in turn the Chaldeans, ruled by Belshazzar, fell to Persians, ruled by Darius the Mede and his son-in-law Cyrus the Persian; the Second Temple, that the Persians built it and the Romans destroyed it, is it not right that the Romans will fall into the hands of the Persians?” the Talmud concludes.
Rabbi Mendel Kessin, a prominent lecturer, connects Esav throughout history to Edom, Rome, Christianity, Western civilization and, ultimately, to the United States.
According to Rabbi Kessin, America represents the good of Esav. At the End of Days, Rabbi Kessin contends that the sins of Esav will be removed and Esav will become God-fearing. Rabbi Kessin explains that, although Esav has traditionally been associated with oppressing, persecuting and afflicting the Jews, at the End of Days, he will undergo a fundamental change in his character.
Rather than harming Jews, Esav will turn toward serving the Jews, assisting them in doing God’s will in the form of mitzvot (Biblical commandments).
As a result, Esav will be rehabilitated and will earn a place in the World to Come. Further, since Rabbi Kessin believes that spiritual tasks of Esav are being completed by the United States today, he sees the destiny of the United States at the End of Days as a positive one.
This connection between the modern United States and ancient Rome was even noted by the popular political pundit, Tucker Carlson in a video clip.
In the video, Carlson suggested that like Rome, which he claimed fell because its military “became dominated by non-citizens”, the open southern border and shortfalls of military recruitment could combine to pose an existential crisis for the US. A recent House proposal, ironically titled the Courage to Serve Act, would allow the military to recruit qualified migrants who crossed the border illegally.”
Rome simply cannot be Esau/Edom — and to make this spurious claim requires ignoring both the Bible and historical facts.
The Roman historian Josephus writes about the close relationship between the Israelite Judeans and Edomites who had been given Roman citizenship under John Hyrcanus.
In fact, during the revolt against Roman rule in Judea, the Edomites (Idumeans) revolted alongside the “Jews” who sought to overthrow Roman rule — and lead to the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
This alliance between “the Jews” and the Edomites continued in the second uprising against Rome during the Bar Kokhba revolt in 132 AD which resulted in the final destruction of “the Jews” in Judea — after which they were scattered to the wind.
So please explain — oh, “learned rabbis” — how the Romans battled against both the Edomites and the “Jews” and yet at the same time be identified as “Edom/Esau” themselves.
This makes no sense whatsoever.
The reality is that these rabbis appropriate the concept of Esau/Edom — one of the enemies of the ancient Israelites — as a blanket term to describe any White racial group that opposes their plans for world domination.
These rabbis have called the Romans, the “Nazis”, Christendom — and now the entire White race as “Esau/Edom” — which is quite ironic considering all of these groups are the true Christian-Israel.
As far as the prophecy of Jeremiah is concerned, one again the rabbis twist it to merely justify their current political agenda — the destruction of America, the only White nation left which stands in the way of the ersatz state of modern Israel becoming the only world superpower left standing.
First off, Teman in the Bible was a city in northern Edom — located today in southern Jordan, which in no way, shape or form could be conflated with modern Yemen.
In fact, if you look at a modern map, you will readily see that where ancient Teman was located is approximately 1,200 miles north of modern day Yemen, which lies at the southern end of the Red Sea on the Saudi Arabian peninsula.
Regardless of whether the ancient Persian-Medean Empire was comprised of the descendants of Japheth or Shem through his son Elam is irrelevant — the purpose of this empire was to fulfill Daniel’s prophecy and the restoration of the Israelites held in Babylonian captivity to their homeland in Judea.
Once Israel was restored in Jerusalem, all prophecy relating to the Persian Empire was completed — this empire was already in decline prior to the time when Alexander the Great finally conquered it in 334 BC.
But the final nail in the coffin of Persia — and the original Aryan people who occupied the land — occurred when the Muslim Arabs invaded — aided and abetted by the Jews there — in the 7th century AD.
In typical Jewish fashion, the Jews repaid the Persians for freeing them from their Babylonian captivity and restoring them to Jerusalem by turning around and helping the Arabs invade on conquer Persia.
One Jewish historian — Bernard Lewis — claims that although Persia was conquered by Arab Muslims, it was “Islamized but not Arabized” — implying that somehow the conquered Aryans remained separate and distinct racially from the Arabs — which seems inconceivable to maintain over the last 1,500 years occupying the same land.
We can see in Europe today how quickly the native British, French and English peoples are being Arabized — with the most common birth name in those countries being “Mohammed” — and inter-racial children becoming quite common after only one generation.
While Lewis freely admits that our knowledge of the ancient Persians comes not from Iranian sources but rather from the Greeks and “the Jews” — a lapse we’d expect only if today’s Persians are not the same people as the original Persians.
Lewis also points out the many Persian influences on the German language — to show the connection between the ancient Persian Aryans and the Germanic people — but one look at modern “Persians” in Iran we can see that they are not racially similar to the Aryan Germans — they are clearly mixed with Arab blood.
Note that according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the term “arab” or “arabia” derives from:
“…ereb (1 Kings 10:15), (with the article prefix), {eh’-reb}; from arab; the web (or transverse threads of cloth); also a mixture, (or mongrel race) — Arabia, mingled people, mixed (multitude)”
In other words, any “prophecies” coming out of the mouths of Jewish rabbis today concerning Persia as modern Iran are merely self-serving ways for the Jews to manipulate gullible Christians into believing that supporting an American war against Iran is somehow pleasing to God.
We should fully expect the Israelis to orchestrate another false flag attack on a U.S. ship — a modern-day sinking of the Lusitania — much like they did when they attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 to lure America into their war with Egypt.
The Jewish plan for America is to utterly destroy it — bankrupt the economy through usury, taxes, and uncontrolled spending — exhaust the military in an endless “war against terror” during which all existential “threats” to Israel will be defeated — and flood America with the Third World — fulfilling the Kalergi Plan — which will replace the aging White population — euthanized by their deadly vaccines — while destroying the younger population through race mixing.
And the Jews will rule over the ashes.
At least that’s their plan — not a “conspiracy theory” — as Rabbi Abarron Haviv explained at the World Jewish Congress Summit in 2011,
“The homogeneity of European nations is fundamentally against the interests of the Jewish people. We are at a critical turning point in history. The West is becoming more and more racially diverse, and soon the White race will be forced into submission. The future of the West is that of an ethnically diverse melting pot, where the evil divisions of race and white supremacy no longer reign. This is all thanks to the tremendous power of our social movements and institutions. This great change will be catalyzed by Muslim settlement. From the land of Israel, Jews will forever be a light unto the new mono racial world as guaranteed by God.”
Or just allow Israeli Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu explain the Jewish plans for America:
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
—Bibi Netanyahu, 1990 recorded conversation with an Israeli spy working in America