Friday, March 8, 2024

Why Almost Nothing Changes When Republicans Are Elected By Chuck Baldwin

 (I think you can safely eliminate 'Almost' from the title. - CL)

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In other words, the vast majority of Montana’s Republican legislators in 2023 were either constitutionally illiterate or despicable cowards and traitors to the Constitution. And, folks, I assure you that if you applied Roger’s constitutional tabulations to your GOP State representatives and senators, you would find almost identical scores.


Years ago, I had lunch with a sitting Republican county commissioner here in Flathead County. During our conversation, I asked him this question, “When you took your oath of office, what did you swear to do?”

He gazed at me in silence for a long time and then said, “I honestly don’t remember.”

When I reminded him that he took an oath to honor and follow the Constitution, he said, “I guess I haven’t read much about that.” I give him credit for being candid in his answer.

Folks, I promise you Donald Trump is as ignorant about the Constitution as Joe Biden. The overwhelming majority of government officials at any level (city, county, State or federal) know jack squat about the Constitution. Even worse is, they KNOW they don’t know, and they don’t CARE that they don’t know. The only time either side tries to quote the Constitution is when they think it might help their position. If they know their position is counter to the Constitution, they simply ignore the Constitution and maintain support for their position.

In other words, on the whole, our congressmen and senators from both parties are cheap, crooked charlatans and con artists.

But as long as we have an electorate that is ignorant of and apathetic to our Constitution, we will continue to elect and re-elect the same constitutionally illiterate, self-serving con men to be our governmental representatives.

So, while pro-Trump and pro-Biden sycophants escalate their biased zealotry for these two constitutional ignoramuses, the gangsters on Capitol Hill (Republicans and Democrats) continue to send billions of tax dollars and millions of tons of bombs and missiles to the gangsters in the Likud government in Israel to continue their genocidal mass murder of innocent women and children in Gaza.