Saturday, April 6, 2024

Massive US biowar funding created ‘biowar / vax industrial complex’ - threatens to swallow the West, by Charles Bausman - The Unz Review

 Here’s the article I originally wrote. The most important insight is the parallel with Benz’s ideas.

(Moscow, Russia.) Most would likely agree that we are witnessing a grand struggle between good and evil. The list of revealed horrors is long, some more terrifying than others. My list of some of the worst: the poisoning of our food, water, and air; wholesale election fraud, massive government programs to eliminate free speech, mass surveillance, the genocide of the Palestinians, and a very real possibility of WW3 breaking out.

It’s a pitched battle, with both sides scoring wins and losses across a wide front. When I ask, where might the good guys be vulnerable?, where might the bad guys deal a devastating blow?, one of the scariest, and sadly, entirely plausible options would be to unleash a devastating bioweapon on the world. I’ve thought that ever since Covid hit us, and before that even.

More and more indisputable evidence is coming out that, unfortunately, this is a very real possibility: it turns out that the US has an enormous, secretive, bioweapons program going back to 1947, and that over the last two decades it has exploded in size and funding. Its scale has ballooned so large and is so complex that it defies simple description, but researchers, politicians, whistleblowers, journalists, and bureaucrats around the world are slowly piecing things together – and Russia has much to add in connecting the dots.

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