Tuesday, May 28, 2024

bionic mosquito: For the Moment…

 (Will churchianity - DaServant of Satan - lead us into oblivion? - CL)

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Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Christian Zionism (simplified): unquestioning and unreserved support the state of Israel; the Battle of Armageddon; an army of two-hundred million; total destruction.

Maybe not in exact detail, but on the key points they may be getting their wish.  The state of Israel is not going to survive what is happening today.  This, of course, is a dangerous possibility, as…well…the Samson Option.  Nothing is off the table given the views of those who control such decisions.

Will cooler heads prevail?  Many point to the Israel lobby in the United States as ensuring there are no cooler heads.  While this lobby isn’t irrelevant, I find it secondary.  Absent the support of Evangelical Christian Zionists, the political landscape on this topic would change.

So, will cooler heads prevail?  Show me a cooler head in a position that can change the views of Christian Zionists and US politicians, and then I will consider this question. 

In the meantime, these Christian Zionists may bring their heresy to fruition, but this would be due to their false prophecy and resultant advocacy instead of any message from God.