Thursday, May 30, 2024

Disincentives And IQ - by Karl Denninger

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Why do I bring all this up?

Because if we do not stop destroying the incentives for those on the right end of the IQ bell curve to have kids it will not be all that long before you go to flush the toilet and it won't, your stove, heat and A/C won't work either because there's no power or gas and virtually everything we rely on in the modern world will either kill you or simply not function at all.

Its much worse when people who simply don't have the intellectual chops for a given task are passed in school and given credentials they didn't earn.  DEI can best be called Didn't Earn It and it can be fatal -- if not to your life then certainly to the productive output of an enterprise.  Yes, we need people to mow the grass on the golf course and an 80 IQ person is fine there, but put a "doctor" label on that same 80 IQ person and he or she is rather likely to kill you.