Thursday, May 30, 2024

Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan – What Do They Share? Zionism - by Helena

 China tells the US not to send delegations to Taiwan.   One week later a US delegation goes to Taiwan.   “American armed forces are restructuring to prepare for a major war in the Pacific after decades of combat against irregular forces in the Middle East”.  It is becoming clinically clear that the American Handlers are aching for a global war to bury their failed global manipulation.  

Ten years ago the Rand Corporation stated that the US MUST go to war with China by 2025.  Taiwan will be the Base from which to deploy weapons into China.   Making Taiwan the sacrificial lamb for complete eradication.   But the US still needs Taiwan for their chip manufacturing because the Intel plant in Ohio is behind schedule.  Jumping the gun, the eight Intel plants scheduled to be online as of 2025 will not be operational until 2028.

BAE Systems makes military grade chips.  In December 2023, the Biden Handlers awarded BAE $35 million to upgrade their plant for the quadrupling of production.  In addition, BAE signed a contract to build an ammo plant in Tennessee, to be completed in 2035.   In other words, the US is ill-prepared for war with anyone, because we’ve now given our weapons to Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan, Somalia, Israel, Yemen, etc… in our unrelenting ploy for – peace via war.  All while desperately trying to reinvent the wheel back home –

War will need to wait.   F-35’s – tanks – missiles – are all dependent on chips.

“The US maintains close but informal relations with Taiwan and is bound by law to supply the island with weapons to defend itself.”  The law is the Taiwan Relations Act passed in 1979 by Jimmy Carter. 

The TRA is not a law per se – because it involves denying the fact that at the time, 1979, Taiwan was a part of the Republic of China and China never GAVE Taiwan to the US.  It is simply an illegal justification to remove Taiwan and create a proxy US Colony.  It is no more legal than if the US were to declare via an Act that India belonged to the US and would benefit from our arsenal.   It is a backdoor coup wherein a Taiwanese government was installed via the same election manipulation used in every other country across Africa.

Taiwan’s western cartel may want to secede from China – but no formal declarations have been signed.  Therefore – it remains what it has been for 70+ years, a land mass owned by the CCP.

The Taiwan Relations Act is intended to maintain commercial, cultural, and other relations through the unofficial relations in the form of a nonprofit corporation incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), without official government representation or formal diplomatic relations.”

Translation:  The Taiwan Relations Act is a forgery of Constitutional Law and completely illegal.

The American Institute in Taiwan is an NGO paid for by US Taxpayers and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.  Its founder was Harvey Feldman, its chairman is Laura Rosenberger, former president.  Feldman was board chair for the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA).   Rosenberger was an affiliate of Hillary Clinton at the State Department.  She currently serves as Biden’s assistant National Security Advisor, and is a fellow of the German Marshal Fund via Alliance For Securing Democracy. 

The Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) was formed in 2017 by the CIA, FBI, and NSA to counter Russia and China and to spy on Twitter accounts deemed Russia or China disinformation.  It’s advisory Council consists of Toomas Hendrik of Estonia, Michael Chertoff, Michael McFaul, Bill Krystol, and Jake Sullivan all of whom are Jewish or heavily supported by the Jewish diaspora.

The German Marshall Fund was founded by Guido Goldman, a Zionist.  His father was the global leader of the Zionist Movement and co-founder of World Jewish Congress.  Rosenberger has extensive history working with Anthony Blinken – she is Jewish.

The Circular.

WHY do the Zionists want Taiwan?  Because they hate China and see Taiwan as a means of poking the dragon.  This is the constant – poking a country into retaliation and then asserting they started the war to justify bombing the country into oblivion.   Israel wants to destroy China because China became a threat to their unilateral world domination.  How Dare They!

The Republican Party is an empty chamber – they have split into the MAGA Party vs the neoconservative democrats funded by AIPAC to bend a knee to the Kabbalah.  Which means that Ukraine and Israel are one; along with Taiwan as their stepson.

July 2021, the first ever Jewish community was opened in Taiwan as a ‘non-denominational’, aka – secular atheist, center named after its founder Jeffrey Schwartz.  The Jewish demographic of Taiwan is considered the fastest growing in the world.   Taiwan supports Israel’s genocide.

May 20, 2024, Taiwan elected a new President, Lai Ching Te.  Born to a poor coal mining father who died when Lai was young, Lai went to Harvard graduating at the age of 44.  Since Taiwan was liberated from Japan post WWII, the country has been ruled by American proxies all attending American colleges, such as; Harvard, Berkeley, and Columbia.

At the Malta Conference of 1945, Stalin, Churchill and FDR divvied the spoils of World War II – including Taiwan.  It was then in 1945 that Jews began to move to Taiwan.  The first Rabbi to settle in Taiwan was Ephraim Einhorn who brought with him Zionists from Poland, US, and Ukraine in 1980 after Carter’s Taiwan Relations Act was passed.

This is why these three countries are currently engaged in disputes;  Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine,  their Secular Jewish diaspora.   Maintaining and Growing their Empire while eliminating populations in less developed countries that could potentially challenge their Rule is of primary importance.  Delisting humans from Africa was the primary challenge.  Delisting humans via birthing became global.  While Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was not Jewish, her husband was – William Sanger was a devout Jew whose family migrated to the US from Germany in 1878.  Since then secularism became the growing religion of nothingness and populations began a decline in surviving birth rates.  During her tenure, the white protestants declined, the Catholic dominant declined, white birth rates declined yet the Jewish population has increased by nearly 50% since 1948.

Of the 267 global Jewish billionaires the vast majority live in the US.  The US was used as an economic base – a sanctuary of Bolshevik communist ideals and Jewish Aryan advancement.   – the vast majority of whom are in finance and tech.  MONEY – makes the world go round, world go round – all Fall Down…