Saturday, May 18, 2024

The End of French Colonialism - Vox Popoli

 It makes sense that France’s former colonies no longer seek protection from a nation that has fallen to Clown World and cannot even protect its own borders from mass invasion:

Senegalese Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko has suggested closing French military bases in the country, claiming their long-term presence is incompatible with the West African nation’s desire for complete control over its affairs.

The minister made the remarks at a joint conference with the French left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon in Senegal’s capital, Dakar, on Thursday.

“More than 60 years after our independence… we must question the reasons why the French army for example still benefits from several military bases in our country and the impact of this presence on our national sovereignty and our strategic autonomy,” Sonko said.

France currently has about 350 troops in Senegal after it began downsizing the contingent of 1,200 based there in 2010. Critics have condemned the troops’ presence as a continuation of French dominance over the former colony, despite independence in 1960.

On Thursday, Sonko, a popular former opposition leader who became prime minister after his hand-picked presidential candidate, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, won a landslide in elections in March, said several countries have promised Senegal defense agreements.

“But this does not justify the fact that a third of the Dakar region is now occupied by foreign garrisons,” he said.

It’s really rather remarkable to see the last vestiges of 18th and 19th Century colonialism being dismantled in real time. How anyone can view the collapse of Christendom in Europe having been an advance of any kind, by any definition beyond a clownish inversion, is really beyond me.