Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Transforming Health — How to Navigate Reductive Stress and the Metabolic Impact of Dietary Fats By Dr. Joseph Mercola

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I only wish I had had this course when I first started practicing medicine. It would have been a game changer. It’s hard to imagine how many additional hundreds of millions of people I could have helped with this knowledge. Not to worry though, as the knowledge is now available for you.

If you are seriously interested in understanding how your body works, and more importantly, what specific actions you can take to guide it to working the way it was designed to, then this is the course you need to take.

You can enroll for the course on their website. I take no commissions from recommending this course. All the funds go directly to the Armstrong sisters. They’re probably the most knowledgeable farmers on the planet when it comes to health. This is why they can produce some of the healthiest food possible. But you may realize that farmers don’t earn very much, so you can support their mission to provide the world with healthy food by purchasing their course.

I would encourage you to seriously consider taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge that has taken them many years to compile and make available to you in an easy to learn format.