Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Are Biden And Netanyahu Orchestrating War In the United States? By Chuck Baldwin

 I start by saying it outright: America is on the precipice of war! And I’m talking not only about war abroad; I’m talking about war within the United States. And these wars are being deliberately orchestrated by President Joe Biden in the United States and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.

Strong language? Yes. But the facts prove the language is not hyperbolic.

On February 8, I wrote a column entitled U.S. Government Gives Millions To Jewish Group To Escort Illegals Into America.

In that column, I quoted Peggy Hall saying:..................

Read full text:

Any honest, objective observer (this omits Christian Zionists) can clearly see that the U.S. government is engaged in a devilish conspiracy with Zionist Israel to orchestrate war inside the United States via the invasion of 40 – 50 million criminal illegal aliens. And we haven’t even broached the collaboration between Israel and Washington to orchestrate war in the entire Middle East or Biden’s effort to create World War III in Ukraine.

The American people need to wake up NOW! Not only do they need to wake up but they also need to get prepared, because it is only a matter of time—and maybe not that much time either—before war breaks out in YOUR town. And when it does, municipal law and order will be nonexistent, and it will be up to the citizenry to defend itself against a criminal alien army that already dwells amongst us.

And it’s all being orchestrated by Joe Biden, the U.S. Congress, Benjamin Netanyahu and the radical Zionist Likud Party in Israel.