Friday, June 28, 2024

Escaping The Great Resist - The Good Citizen

 Throughout your life, you are conditioned by society and the state to be in desperate need of a future that will never arrive.

— Alan Watts

Future inventors, PhDs, and airline mechanics arrive to help do what genius economists like Paul Krugman claim is essential for a crumbling empire of tax slaves: “New immigrants keep the economy growing. Nativists not so much.”

In this post:

  • Theatrical Chaos

  • My Empire Escape (2006)

  • Massai & The Great Resist

  • Passport Bros Savants

    • Obtaining Second Passports

    • Digital Nomad Visas

  • The Lonely Cowboy

Part I (July, 2022)

Theatrical Chaos

In the two years since the first installment of this series circumstances have changed to such a degree that it appears that living in a fluid world of organized collapse through manufactured chaos, nothing is ever complete. Every possibility for chaos is announced and pushed through the media, or by key figures of the oligarch parasite class. In many cases, it was telegraphed, with unsettling specificity, within Simpsons episodes that aired twenty years ago.

The manifestation of chaos is never required, only the perception that chaos might arrive, at any day. It’s a perfect distraction from the last manufactured chaos, whatever that was. (It’s hard to keep up these days.)

They’ve been pumping the bird flu psyop for nearly two years, blocking then releasing pressure valves of hysteria every other month with bird cullings, cattle cullings, and the occasional fabricated (PCR) human “infection” making headlines. They give everything the full theatrical display of performative danger, with functionaries donning hazmat suits and respirators on official visits to farms and factories.

Most of the chaos is staged and meant to frighten and keep people anxious and on edge, and it is happening as planned and in keeping with their timeline for the Great Resent Agenda.

The petrodollar died two weeks ago, and around the same time, Moscow ceased all settlements in dollars for the Moscow Stock Exchange. China is ditching U.S. treasuries in favor of gold at an ever-increasing rate. All the preparations are being made for a collapse of the global monetary system and a shift in power balance.

Normalizing the “possibility” of World War 3 is now a regular feature for corporate media editors who got the memo to push this psyop on the masses.

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