Friday, June 14, 2024

God Bless America!...OOPS.....make that Israel?

(God Bless America!...make that Israel? - CL)

Celebrating the Hunter Biden Gun Conviction Legitimizes an Illegitimate System, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review

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 The 2024 US election is now entirely about who is capable of best serving Israel.

Even if the votes counted, you would be choosing between two candidates who have sworn allegiance to a foreign country.

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“If the truth about the attack on the USS Liberty isn’t told to the American public, our Republic will fall. When your own government sets you up to be murdered, this speaks to the influence the Zionist state of Israel has with our politicians. Not one president from LBJ to Biden has lifted a finger nor has the Congress.” – Phil Tourney, USS Liberty attack survivor.

Now is the best time for Americans to demand an open and honest congressional investigation of the June 8, 1967 unprovoked and deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by the Israeli military. The brutal assault that killed 34 American sailors and wounded 171 of their shipmates was then covered up by Commander-in-Chief President Lyndon B. Johnson, military leadership, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

Many survivors and other analysts now conclude the attack was a planned false flag intended to sink the ship and kill all aboard as a pretext to gain public support for the US to join Israel in its battle against Egypt during the Six Day War. This is when Israel captured Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

The US Government is a Criminal Gang with No Legitimate Authority to Rule the American People – Daily Stormer 

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There is one thing we can know for certain: mankind can only be ruled by God. God has to be the only sovereign. Any system that does not have that core principle will fail. Unless society agrees that man is sacred and born free because he was created by God and has the spark of the divine inside of him, we will always end up as dehumanized slaves ruled over by decadent and depraved tyrants.