Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Homemakers are where the heart is - American Thinker

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Many girls are growing up without proper domesticity training. They might think it’s uncool to adhere to traditional stereotypes, preferring to try to equal boys’ endeavors. But without a balanced “work-life-home” agenda, it does them a disservice in the long run.

Often unable to attract desirable men when their biological clock demands, they end up lonely and depressed. Worse, under the guise of female empowerment they often try to deny that reality, leading to further cognitive dissonance. That’s likely why many retreat to the woods to yell and smash the ground with sticks after confronting the absurdity of their anti-male, isolated existence. We are all, after all, social beings, the vast majority of whom desire heterogeneous affection.

By contrast, girls with a domesticated skillset who aspire to marriage and motherhood find more contentment. Indeed, a major national survey recently found that married women are much happier than single women (despite desperate feminist attempts to circumvent the bleedin’ obvious).