Friday, June 14, 2024

Why Do Brits Hate Russians?, by Israel Shamir - The Unz Review

Britain is the world leader in anti-Russian politics. The Brits hate Putin and zealously encourage the Ukies to fight their Russian cousins to the last drop of blood. The Russians and the Ukies were ready to sign a deal in February 2022, until British PM Johnson arrived in Kiev to convince the Ukies to drop it. And so they did. Ever since then, the Brits have been the leading force pushing the Ukies to fight, and convincing NATO members to help them fight. The Brits are leading the global anti-Russian campaign. These are the facts. However, the explanation of these facts evaded me until now...............

....But this is the key to why the Brits are so keen to undermine Russia. Lord Rothschild is as British as 5 o’clock tea. The Brits can have an Indian PM, a Paki Lord Mayor of London, and Ghurkhas as their elite troops, but the Bank of England belongs to the Jews. Englishmen are just miners to keep Lord Rothschild’s global bank running tickety-boo. And Jews are famous for keeping control of whatever has passed through their clutches. Even the Royal Family became quasi-Jewish: they circumcise their boys and believe they are descendants of King David.

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