Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Evolutionists are Retarded - Vox Popoli

 (Appealing to your own authority is not science - it is faith, without even understanding what the proof or evidence of evolution is lacking. That is retarded faith! A baby understanding!

The same can be said of churchian faith - as Augustine wrote: "Faith comes by hearing, but understanding comes from knowledge and knowledge comes by SIGHT!
Therefore - and interestingly - Hebrews 5:11-6:2 covers BOTH secularists and churchians - the level of comprehension of a baby who has yet to understand what ALL of life is about - which certainly, by EVIDENCE ALONE, describes what Western Civilization now woefully lacks - MATURITY! 
Fuggedaboudit! - CL)

It’s almost astonishing to read the papers and presentations of the 1966 Symposium and see how a) biologists simply do not understand the logical and mathematical criticisms of their vacuous tautologies, and b) how their futile defenses of evolution by natural selection haven’t substantively changed in nearly sixty years despite all of the advances in genetics. Consider the similarities between three following attempts, separated by 55 years, to address the obvious problem of probability and fixation when applied to mutations, by resorting to what the evolutionists call “cumulative selection” and “massively parallel fixation”.