Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Body Count of the State - What happened to Rhonda Massie? DONALD JEFFRIES


In early June, one of the most extraordinary interviews I’ve ever seen took place. Tucker Carlson sat down with Rep. Thomas Massie, by far the best of the typical sorry congressional lot. During the interview, Massie touched on the subject of Israeli influence in Congress. Boy, did he touch on it.

Massie alleged that every Republican congressional representative has their own AIPAC (American Israel Political Affairs Committee) “babysitter.” Except him. Think Rabbi Shmuley and RFK, Jr. Massie described how, after several high pressured conversations with AIPAC, during which they tried to get him to do some assigned “homework,” he ultimately banned them from his office. I think it’s safe to say that AIPAC has never been banned from any congressional office before. Massie said he didn’t know about the Democrats, but it would be shocking if all of them didn’t have a “babysitter” as well. This is basically what Cynthia McKinney described, before they ran her out of Congress. It all seems a bit like kissing the Pope’s ring.

The entire conversation was riveting. Massie is a true Renaissance Man. He’s an MIT educated engineer, but also recounted how he built his present home from scratch. He hammered every nail, screwed every screw, hooked up the plumbing and the wiring, even dug his own well. He powers the whole home with an old Tesla battery. He is about as off the grid as it gets. Massie spoke lovingly of his four children and his wife Rhonda, his high school sweetheart whom he’d been married to for 35 years. He has a great sense of humor, and performed flawless impressions of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, who tried to get him ousted from Congress. It was the single most courageous interview I’ve ever seen with an elected member of Congress.

Which makes what happened a few weeks later all the more poignant. And troubling. On June 27, 2024, Rhonda Massie suddenly died. There was no cause of death announced, and there still hasn’t been. We know she wasn’t suffering from a chronic illness, as Massie spoke glowingly of her with Carlson, and in announcing her death, he noted, "We spent last week touring Mt Rainier with our grandson - she was the best mammaw ever! We love you Rhonda.” She was only fifty one and looked to be in pretty good shape. Normally, such a #died suddenly case can be attributed to the deadly warp speed vaccine. But not in this situation. Massie was vocally critical of the vaccine, and it’s a certainty that his wife wouldn’t have taken the jab. So exactly what could have happened to her?

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