Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Doability of Mass Deportation - Vox Popoli

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The Haitian migration amounted to about ten percent of the Dominican population. That’s equivalent to about 35 million people in US terms. In the UK, the entire post-Windrush invasion could be sent back to their homelands, while in Europe the post-2015 migrant crisis could be entirely undone before 2030. And it’s no more “racist” for the European nations to ensure their futures than it is for the Dominican nation or the Jewish state to do so.

The only thing standing between the continuation of Western Civilization and its demise is Clown World. And Clown World is not only intellectual bankrupt and debunked by reality, it is actively being defeated by the sovereign nations every day now.

If you’re a one-issue voter, this would be the one vital issue upon which everything else rests.