Thursday, August 29, 2024

Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! – OffGuardian

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In itself, the very task of transforming hundreds of online hyperlinks into book-friendly endnotes has reminded me that the conclusions I draw do not come from nowhere.

Everything I have written about the identity and nature of the criminocracy is based on solid evidence.

And, indeed, it was this evidence that led me to the position I now take. I was not looking to discover this particular reality and had no existing hypothesis for which I needed to cobble together proof.

Step by step, click by click, book by book, the evidence has led me here.

The judgement that I pass on that state of affairs, and the alternative that I put forward, are, of course, personal.

But even here I know that the anger I feel at the dominant system, my gut feeling that what we are talking about is indescribably evil, is not merely individual, but widely shared.