Monday, August 12, 2024

Get It Figured Out Folks.... by Karl Denninger

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There's a serious economic and medical storm coming folks.  I warned over a decade ago that you had about that much time to get your act together before what was being done by our government and the medical system, both of which knew damn well they were full of crap but simply would not confront and stop the corruption, overwhelmed the ability to pay for it at the government level and thus either the entire system would collapse or you'd get what amounts to a rationing system and not get anything anyway as you're too old, fat and sick to be worth spending it on.  Yeah, that sounds harsh but that's how they're going to see it and in that condition you're also incapable of killing them over their refusal -- both physically and psychologically -- and they know it.  Think not?  How many did something about the medical people forcing loved ones to die in isolation without even a goodbye?  Zero, so spare me the Rambo fantasy bullshit; they know you won't do anything about it and they're right because otherwise there'd be an Aztec-style stack of heads on the National Mall over not just Covid but all the other bullshit they've run through the last several decades.

Its up to you, and not in terms of "forcing them" but rather in terms of fixing yourself, by yourself.